The data is not meant for release prior to polls closing. Any publication of such means it was leaked.
And IMO it is highly unethical to provide a mechanism for releasing exit polls while the actual polls are still open.
It probably wont matter anyway since the information will be quarantined behind sealed doors until 5 PM Eastern.
Very good point.
Which is EXACTLY the reason that it needs to be discussed HERE!
If it is being leaked it is being leaked to discourage Republicans from voting. We need to be here to remind people of how innaccurate they are and to remind people that the only reason it is being leaked is to discourage us. We need to be free to discuss it so that we can remind encourage the base to get the vote out.
The leaks will be out there. But we will not be here to put them into perspective. Instead we will be playing the role of the MSM and somehow "respecting" the spirit of the exit polls.
I do not respect exit polls. I frankly think that exit pollers should be shot on sight. They exist for the sole purpose of being leaked. But once they are leaked, then there will be no place to go to put them into perspective. I guess we'll all just have to believe the leaks, huh?
I'm not sure I understand the banning of exit polls, even if they are leaked. We are not a large player in the game.