To: freespirited
I'll not be surprised if the pollsters have virtually every race in the country "too close to call" by election day.
To: Steely Tom
Rush is right. By tightening the races at the last moment, the MSM thinks it gets its credibility back.
6 posted on
10/31/2006 7:00:09 AM PST by
(.....when the sidewalks are safe for the little guy.)
To: Steely Tom
Jus like 2 years ago this campaign is an emotional roller coaster. Numbers are changing constantly. One minute I think we might win then the next we get another batch of bad numbers. I try to remain optimistic but not all these polls can be wrong. We've just go to hope the GOP turns out more than the bad guys do of their voters.
7 posted on
10/31/2006 7:02:00 AM PST by
To: Steely Tom
The Alaska Governor race is tied. Momentum is with the Dem.
45 posted on
10/31/2006 9:02:19 AM PST by
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