For two generations now, the democrats have given encouragement and 'aid-and-comfort' to the enemies of the US (from Vietnam, to the Soviet Union, to today's terrorists).
The hate, venom, and disdain that democrats spew on a daily basis to our military (reference Kerry, Durbin, Pelosi, Reed, Kennedy, Dean, Murtha, etc) could just as easily come from Al-Jazzerra.
Demeaning and undermining our military comes as naturally to them--as swimming comes to a fish. It takes no effort. It takes no thinking on their part. It's like breathing to them.
Kerry's insulting of our military pales in comparison to the traitorous 'aid-and-comfort' that he provided our enemies the last time he 'reported for duty' (just ask the SWIFTEES)!
Kerry's comments will only serve to ENHANCE his stature in the liberal, democratic, treasonous, anti-American crowd (to include the MSM)!
Two generations is correct, if Americans vote this scum party in office I will never forgive them.
It will prove that the US public has gone completely soft.