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To: ReaganRevolution

If you read Rass methodolgy they have taken to using a floating party id methodology. This is the new craze in Polling. It is suppose to show the "intensity" of the voters on each side. You can read about it at their website. It stupid methodology. There is no controlling for sample error.

31 posted on 10/17/2006 5:14:19 PM PDT by MNJohnnie (EeevilCon, Snowflake, Conservative Fundamentalist Gun Owning Bush Bot Dittohead reporting for duty!)
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To: MNJohnnie
I think the pollsters are going to have to face facts and admit that calling people on the phone is not working any longer. With the number of people screening calls and using cell phones it's just not reliable.
Also, they seem to give no credit for turning out the vote. It's the 72 hours prior to the election that is key.
39 posted on 10/17/2006 5:37:27 PM PDT by ReaganRevolution
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To: MNJohnnie
I think that this new emphasis on "intensity" is ridiculous. I am no more or less intense about voting this year than I am in any other year. If it is election day, I go vote. It is as simple as that. I believe that there are more people like me who vote Republican than there are that vote Democrat. I have no scientific evidence to support my hypothesis - it's just a gut feeling.

As Rush said on his show today, Dems always have these huge voter registration drives which gives them a lot of names of basically unmotivated voters since they did not care enough about voting to register on their own. On the other hand, Republicans offer their voters issues that motivate them to go and register to vote. Their GOTV efforts have a solid foundation of voters who will go to the polls even if they have to "walk barefoot over broken glass". Many Dem voters will not make it to the polls because it's raining, they had to get a manicure, they had to catch up on their beauty sleep, etc.

I will never forget the first time I voted. I loved President Ford because I thought that he had made the best of a bad situation by issuing a pardon to Richard Nixon. He was being vilified for that while at the same time Jimmuh Carter was promising the moon to persuade people to vote for him. I figured he knew that he could never do all the things he was promising which basically made him a liar in my eyes. We were living in Greensboro, NC, then and I remember standing in line for two hours to cast my vote for President Ford. I was crushed when NC narrowly went for Carter - the last time that NC "went blue" in a Presidential election. If NC had not gone for Carter, he would never have been POTUS and we would have been spared all the grief his disastrous term caused us as well as his sanctimonious pronouncements on every foreign policy decision made by GWB. On the other hand, his failed presidency helped to bring on eight years of RWR, the greatest POTUS of the twentieth century, which is a good thing.
48 posted on 10/17/2006 7:16:09 PM PDT by srmorton (Choose life!)
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