How is Republican appeasement working for the Taleban, Saddam Hussein, Assad the lesser, Kim Jong Il, Islamic Fundamentalist, etc?
I will blame the voters if they allow the Dems back in power
The gop is too intimiated by the leftwing establishment and give it too much credence and legitimacy. Many of them are the declared enemies of America, decency, national security, and freedom.
Leftists are similar to Islamists in that respect. "Winning hearts and minds" and other "compassionate" measures just isn't going to work with either of them. The best approach is all-out war without regard for casualties.
I agree with you totally. IMO, the GOP has no gonads and have, basically, rolled over in response to the untold amount of Liberal "slimeball" tactics since GW was elected. Where't their offense? All the Party has done is suck it up for years. Nice guys come in last!
Appeasement is the wrong word. Bush and company actually love big government. They know perfectly well what they are doing and would be doing even if the Democrats disappeared tomorrow. They love, indeed are, big brother.
Agreed, R's have been mostly spineless in the Senate and ineffective in the House, but the Donks are much, much worse.
President Bush receives a C and not for his conservative efforts, mostly due to failure on the Immigration front, IMO.
You need a 2/3 majority to do whatever you please, and the reps have the MSM slashing them continually. Please spend time criticizing the dems and not just the reps.
Several people on FR have correctly pointed out that Islam has declared war on America, but America has not acknowledged that fact.
Similarly, the democrats have declared war on the republicans, but the republicans have not acknowledged that fact.
They need to.
Grab hold of something steady and don your flame retardant clothing, however. For the blindly faithful will come at you hard for questioning the power of the "Big R".
technomage, I agree!
Republicans are hardly acting like the majority party. Democrats seem much more united on many topics, and have suceeded in blocking so many conservative agenda items that the "majority" status seems almost worthless at times.
Go back to DU troll! < /GOP bootlicker >
Great post BTW. Remember Trent Lott's ridiculous "power-sharing" agreement with then-Senate minority leader Daschle?