You have random anthrax spores in wool processing facilities, as well as on the ground in sheep-grazing areas...without people getting infections.
An anthrax infection takes hundreds of spores at a single moment. It's a weak bio-agent.
It's the first thing for which a vaccine was ever developed (Louis Pasture circa 1850).
You are right that it takes a "bolus" of spores to contract an infection under normal conditions. You just about have to open the bottle and pour it into a sore!!!
However, they did feel that perhaps 3 spores into the lungs would cause an infection. Our bodies are counting on our nose hairs and mucus to catch them before the lungs.
However, I think you are thinking of smallpox as being one of the first vaccines........correct me if I am wrong.
Smallpox to cowpox
Or, if you are 90 years old, it can take only a single spore. But you have to breath deep.