the south korean military is great. it's the young people of south korea that i have no faith in.
So here's my story - A couple of years ago there was an article about SKorean soldiers signing up for the extra pay to work in Iraq. Some of us on the thread wondered what the soldiers made, that they would sign up for $1000 a month.
Well, being the online searcher that I am, I looked around Google and found a young vet's website, in English. I sent him an email and asked about the pay. I also offered to clean up his English a bit on the site.
Long story short, I got the info I wanted (they only get about $15 a month and really consider it a service to their country. Their parents give them additional pocket money.), I've rec'd some really nice Korean Christmas cards, and I guided him thru the American grad school process so that now he's getting his masters in international policy at a school here in the States. I've got an invite to the South Korean 'white house' if he makes it that far!