Hmm... so Allen has two in his staff
John Reid, Allen Paul Unger, Allen
Hmmm... I don't like this
Just for curiosity sake, why don't you like this. Just because conservatives hired gays to answer phones and type a letter. I don't think it has anything to do with the candidate. They applied for the job and probably the best candidate. Could be that the Senators did not even know they were gay at first. I mean I can't imagine it is on the application.
...Not for a mintue!... POLITICIANS... are extremely clever, smart, astute individuals who run circles around simpletons like most voters are. I am constantly amazed by how good they are. They even know when to play "stupid." :) Got to give them credit. I think Allen blew his chances for president, even before this issue came up... now it's all about his senate seat. Politics can be a bloody sport someone said.