To: ClearCase_guy
I don't pollute my house with TV, nor am I familiar with the books that inspired this series, so my input is somewhat moot. Having said that, it seems on the surface, anyways, that what's being described are not so much the actions of a serial killer as they are that of a vigilante, and in that regard, differ little from the Deathwish films by Charlie Bronson, or even the vengeance driven origins of a number of comic book superheroes that have been around for decades.
13 posted on
10/06/2006 11:09:00 AM PDT by
Joe 6-pack
(Que me amat, amet et canem meum)
To: Joe 6-pack
Those Charles Bronson movies, or at least the original Death Wish, were more about the grief, anger, and frustration that finally drove a thoroughly non-violent man to pick up a weapon and go out into the streets. And then his struggle with himself over whether to continue.
This one just sounds sick.
22 posted on
10/06/2006 11:14:55 AM PDT by
(Face it, every empire comes to an end, and ours is on the down hill slope.)
To: Joe 6-pack
I don't pollute my house with TV...Ah. Most people think I'm crazy...TVless for 7 years. (Lots of movies, which I buy) My wife wants it, but it is one of the very few things I will not back off of, even for her.
51 posted on
10/06/2006 1:13:04 PM PDT by
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