I know Istook must be running a very weak campaign if you are that discouraged in that you give Republicans ever benefit of the doubt. Actually, I have seen Istook (not lately) on C-SPAN, and he seemed knowledgeable and articulate. He must have run into the Largent factor with his race too. Maybe congressmen should not get into governor's races so quickly without seeing the potential consequences.
There is more behind his getting in the race. He made some major blunders in the House, lost his subcommittee chairmanship and was encouraged to run for Governor.
Up until a year ago, I would have told you that he was very knowledgeable but all that knowledge seems lost in that campaign. I have never seen anything like it. I didn't give him a chance last spring but it is much worse now.
You will have freep mail shortly! I am using my daughter's laptop and it takes for me to type but you will get some background.