To: msnimje
I think that is one of the reasons. My Congressman Cole is a good friend of Hastert.
A lot going on behind the scenes and a campaign being disgusted with Hastert for not doing a fundraiser for him?
Karl Rove is supposed to be in OK for a fundraiser on Monday night for Istook. Timing is not very good.
18 posted on
10/04/2006 8:47:37 PM PDT by
( Go Sooners! George Allen for President in 2008!)
To: PhiKapMom
I wouldn't be surprised to see Rove back down. If this happens Istook needs to step down and let Sullivan run. At least then we might have a chance.
25 posted on
10/04/2006 8:49:37 PM PDT by
( -- Go Speak Your Mind.)
To: PhiKapMom
Each one of the victims deserves their privacy. To every reporter I request, please have the decency to avoid making things worse for the victims, and just leave them alone. This happened years ago when the victims were minors. I swear, this sounds like some bloviation David Boren would put out. Ernest Istook seems to be in swamp water up to the top of his waders. And putting out erroneous prepared statements isn't really going to help his cause any, either.
65 posted on
10/04/2006 9:02:36 PM PDT by
(Bill Clinton is sticking his finger in the dike, holding back the tide of history.)
To: PhiKapMom
I know that Istook is a likely loser. Is his Mormonism a factor, do you think?
518 posted on
10/07/2006 9:24:24 AM PDT by
Theodore R.
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