"Muslims blame their failures on the West. Their perpetual sense of victim-hood and perceived right to rule drives their religious fervor."
And one of the greatest ironies in this belief is that America was one of the few countries following WWII that argued for Arab independence from what was decades old colonialization from Europe. In fact, part of the Atlantic Charter was the basis from which many of these nations were to be granted soverignty to form their own governments.
One of the greatest hypocrisies from the Left...especially those in Europe who blame America for all the problems in the ME, is the role they played as architects for so much of the reorganization of the ME. From the League of Nations and governing mandates to the United Nations and partition plans, to Balfour and San Remo, Europe took the lead.
But even accepting this, Muslims have no one to blame but themselves for these problems. Prior to WWI the Ottoman Empire was already crumbling from internal strife and tribal warfare. These were people who were engaging in some of the worst holocausts against indigenous people outside of that which occurred in Germany during WWII. From the Christian Assyrians to the Armenians to the Greeks, Slavs and Jews, Muslims had been ethnically cleansing Asia Minor of non-Muslims for centuries.
As this threat encroached further into the "soft underbelly of Europe," the victors of WWI decided it was finally time to put a stop to this 2nd Jihad, which had not only killed millions of people, but was continuing to threaten Europe...again. And I say again because this has been a theme with Islam as they have continually threatened Europe over the centuries.
From their adventures into Spain and S. France from as early as 732AD...to their attempts at Vienna as late as 1683.
Yes, Muslims can bitch and moan, and play the perpetual victim of so-called European colonization...and Leftists can defend them and help make excuses for their hatred and anger; but it was Islam who invited this reaction by their own aggressions that went unchecked for centuries. It wasn't long after the death of Mohammad (632AD) that the first Caliphates stated as their goal "to conquer the world in the name of Islam." As a result, this was a religion, that within its first 100+ years, conquered more land and people than the Romans did in their storied history.
At its peak (16th Century) the Ottoman Empire had conquered all of Asia Minor, the Mid-East, North Africa, the Balkan Peninsula and parts of Russia.
Sadly, Muslims, like their liberal brethren, seem to have a short historical memory when it comes to Muslim aggression and retribution. From the multiple seiges of Byzantine (670, 717-718) to the eventual sacking in 1453, Islam has been an expansionist regime.
While WWI and its aftermath may have brought a temporary cessation to some of this Muslim aggression, it was only 30 years later that many Muslims were siding with Hitler and the Axis Powers. The same Anti-Semitism that is prevelant today, was rampant back than as Muslims joined with Hitler to form their own Muslim brigades to exterminate Jews, Gypsys, Slavs, etc...especially within the Balkans.
What is going on today is no different than what has been going on for centuries with Islam. While the Cold War may have deflected some of our attentions, this threat has always been there for anyone willing to look at this history...the same history which clearly shows Muslims as aggressors and not victims.