Posted on 09/27/2006 10:28:58 AM PDT by jveritas
Document CMPC-2004-000156.pdf dated October 19 2002 contains a very important list of projects which indicate that Saddam regime planned to re-start their prohibited nuclear activities. The list is written by the Iraqi National Monitoring Directorate warning the Iraqi Atomic Energy Organization that some of these projects that they are planning to execute are prohibited by the UN resolution 707, some require constant monitoring, and some may raise a lot of questions about it. Also the document talks extensively about an Iraqi project to rehabilitate the old building where the Iraqi used to produce Tetra Uranium Chloride and Hexa Uranium Fluoride (UF6) according to the document. The document talks about an agreement to adopt one of the suggestions to rehabilitate this building and rebuild the HOT CELLS. The project was later cancelled in November 2002 mainly because the UN inspectors started their work again in Iraq. Another prohibited project shown in this document is the Simulation Reactor and a document that talks about this project was translated and published here on FR back on April 23 2006
Beginning of partial translation of document CMPC-2004-000156.pdf
In the name of God the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
The 10 years Plan Committee
Date: 19/10/2002
Mr. Chairman of the Department
Subject: 10 Years Plan
Attached are the remarks of the Scientific Policies and Programs department/ the Monitoring division in regards to the 10 Years Plan developed by you. Please be informed and make the appropriate adjustment within two days from the above date.
With regards
Remark: The list of contracts with the private and common sector are subject to the attached remarks
Samir Hussein Aouni
Chairman of the 10 Years Plan Preparation Committee.
3. Engineering Department
A. The projects below are considered prohibited because it is related to nuclear activities that are prohibited according to resolution 707.
Project (3) for the year 2003 designated Building of Simulation Reactor.
Project (12) for the year 2003 designated Rebuilding of the old Radioactive Isotopes production building and continues till the year 2007 with the sequence 12, 10, 9, 1 consecutively.
B. Project that are under constant monitoring
Project (7) for the year 2003 designated Develop and rehabilitate the laboratories and systems of the Electronic Microscope.
Project (10) for the year 2004 designated Central Measurement Laboratory for the radioactive waste and continues till the year 2006 with sequences 3, 7.
C. The projects below may lead to explanations because it requires the determination of the qualifications
Project (14) for the year 2004 and designated building the Magnets laboratories and workplace and was mentioned for the year 2007 per the sequences 13, 13, 5.
Project (14) for the year 2005 designated building laboratories for the high vacuum (pressure vacuum) and mentioned per the sequences 12, 6.
End of partial translation of document CMPC-2004-000156.pdf
Major PING
Project 6. Obtain more yellowcake from Niger....
Another nail in the liberals coffin. God bless you, Mr. J.
Thanks j, sending it out.
Thank you for your continued outstanding work! Your efforts are greatly appreciated!
Have I ever told you you are a Great American?
That sound from Freepers is aplause...........
The silence is the main stream media.
Hat tip to you sir !!!!
Great work bump!
"wont" sorry, that is "win".
We need to work to get Jveritas and other translators an audience with some US congresscritters.
LOL... If we can find this document it will be the end of the democrat party as we know it.
Saddam Husayn ended the nuclear program in 1991 following the Gulf war. ISG found no evidence to suggest concerted efforts to restart the program.
As I said many times before, the ISG had prematurely concluded that Saddam had no WMD or activities related to WMD, more and more documents prove them wrong. Talk about an unfinished task, this is it
The ISG did a piss poor job, IMO
I thought Sadaam was an atheist
Unfortunately the latest Senate Intelligence Committee (SIC) report on Iraq WMD and relation to AL Qaeda was heavily based on this ISG report at least in regards to the WMD issue and the partisan democrats with some RINO accepted the ISG findings as the ultimate truth and hence the disgraceful report released few weeks ago by the SIC.
Nicely said...
JV continues with his groundbreaking work!
You are a bonafide valued great the best tradition of all the great American immigrants....
We thank you....
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