God created a Universe so incredibly awesome and intricate that if Man investigates millions of years he (man) will just brush the surface. The more we learn, the more astounded we are at the beauty and symmetry of the Universe (and who knows about "other Universes."
And the God who created it all stands OUTSIDE of this Universe and ALL Universes. And this God saw this dust speck of a planet and its people and sent His Son to save us. He could have flicked us out of existence with a thought. Instead He gave us Love and tried to teach us Love through His Word and the words of His Son.
It saddens me that Creationists would limit God so much. They see him as Q or Gandalf writ large. A God they can comprehend and deal with. A very, very small God.
Of course the ID crowd is even worse. They think that God needs to keep reaching in and tweaking and changing things "on the fly" since He didn't really know how things would happen. This little-g God is closer to the "what does god need with a starship" variety.
My God -- the God of Abraham and God the Father -- is capable of anything. He gave us so much. To throw it back in His face by limiting Him is a (sadly ineffective) tantrum.
But your version works (capital G, though).
Oh man are your posts dead-on! As I like to say, 'Young-earth creationists' are putting God in a box.