The "humor" is in extremely poor taste. According to your comments both of you lack a sense of what's right, no pun intended either, and wrong. Our "friends" on the left have no sense of decency either. As my grandfather use to say to us kids growing up, "everything is all the same to you".
Liberals enforce their agenda by political correctness, conservatives do not.I welcome politically incorrect statements, because it sets one to "tinking" about the battle between good and weevil.
Weevil castigates humor, prevents us from coping with weevil by laughing.
So spraying spaying comments reminiscent of Victorian morality and establishing PC culture is not about fostering conswervative dialogue.
Dialogue is much better than diatribe.
I happen to be Irish and have a special fondness for the "wee folk." But notice that I said fondness, not fondling.
So humor is not rumor,goodness can be assumed, and weevils need to stay in the cotton and on some gin.
The gin is Free Republic.
Sexuality in Manila, and Olongopongo is not what it is in Wellesley, MA, or in Limerick either.
Having said that, there is much worse going on in the Sudan and Somalia, where young girls and boys are raped, and then murdered in ways that would make you want to forget about every breakfast you ever had. The world is full of suffering, and often one can cope with it only by engaging humor.