I detect a Democrat initiative to rewrite history to blame everyone but themselves. Gorelick says there was no wall, but that Ashcroft extended the wall during his tenure at Justice. Then other Democrats are coming out supporting Clinton's obvious lies and distortions.
Just amazing. But, I still think they are doing all of this because they fear the defeat they face in November if things remain the same as they have been these past few weeks. The Democrats are striking out at every issue and exposure because they are getting killed in the public arena now. Voters are paying attention and Democrats believe they can lie and get away with it long enough to get through November.
We really have to resist letting them dictate or change the subject now. Our focus has to stay with President Bush's efforts to keep the nation safe, the Democrats being on the wrong side of the interrogation issues, and the great speeches President Bush gave this past week. The economy is doing well and the price of gas has been coming down. The fed has gotten large amounts of tax money coming in.
The point is, things are going pretty good and Democrat fear tactic claims have all been proven wrong.
The chances of a DemocRat saying anything negative about BJ is less than the possibility of a Mooselip saying something negative about Mohamhead!
Pray for W and Our Freedom Fighters
Great post Morgan!