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To: God-fearer

Oh more fearmongering from Joe Farah about "American Hiroshima". World Nut Daily has been predicting this garbage for over a year, always combined with offers to subscribe to Joe's "G-2 Intelligence Bulletin" so you can get an early heads up when the sneak al Qaeda nuke is about to blow.

Anyone who believes that al Qaeda is going to warn Muslims ahead of a terrorist strike is smoking some real nasty camel dung. They didn't issue any such warning before the first WTC bombing in 1993, and they sure as Hell didn't issue one before 9/11.

This is nothing but disinformation designed to sow fear and uncertainty in the public, and only those with a room temperature IQ are going to fall for it.

108 posted on 09/17/2006 9:50:08 PM PDT by mkjessup (The Shah doesn't look so bad now, eh? But nooo, Jimmah said the Ayatollah was a 'godly' man.)
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To: mkjessup; God-fearer
Reminder of OBL's 1/19/2006 audio recording

As for the delay in similar operations in America – this has not been due to any inability to break through your security measures. The operations are being prepared, and you will witness them, in your own land, as soon as the preparations are complete, Allah willing.

As for the delay in similar operations in America – this has not been due to any inability to break through your security measures. The operations are being prepared, and you will witness them, in your own land, as soon as the preparations are complete, Allah willing.

If your minds remain worn out and your lives remain miserable, things will progress towards that which you hate. As for us – we have nothing to lose. He who swims in the sea does not fear the rain. You have occupied our land and violated our honor. You have shed our blood and plundered our property. You have destroyed our homes and banished us. You have harmed our security, and we will pay you back in kind.

Al-Qaeda Leader Osama Bin Laden in New Audio-Recording Threatens New Attacks in the U.S.

118 posted on 09/18/2006 5:19:09 AM PDT by TexKat (Just because you did not see it or read it, that does not mean it did or did not happen.)
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To: mkjessup
This is nothing but disinformation designed to sow fear and uncertainty in the public, and only those with a room temperature IQ are going to fall for it.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The possibility of another attack against the United States is "very real," Vice President Dick Cheney said Sunday.

Recent reports of increased communications among suspected al Qaeda operatives are reminders that the war against terrorism remains in high gear, Cheney said.

"In my opinion, prospects of a future attack against the United States is almost certain," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "We don't know if it's going to be tomorrow or next week or next year." He added that it was "not a matter of if, but when."

"I think that the prospects of a future attack on the U.S. are almost a certainty," Cheney said on Fox News Sunday. "It could happen tomorrow, it could happen next week, it could happen next year, but they will keep trying. And we have to be prepared."

Cheney said he believes that the United States has had success in disrupting the al-Qaida network, but it is impossible to prepare a perfect defense.

"You try to read the tea leaves. We look for pieces of information and evidence, but you never get the complete picture," Cheney said on NBC's Meet the Press.

132 posted on 09/18/2006 10:23:32 AM PDT by TexKat (Just because you did not see it or read it, that does not mean it did or did not happen.)
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To: mkjessup

Again, if you don’t think they’d warn people in advance of an impending attack, watch the CNN video from the morning of 9/11.

136 posted on 09/18/2006 10:46:14 AM PDT by God-fearer
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