To: TenthAmendmentChampion
I can't believe this! It kind of cut off at approx. 9:50 pm and now it is repeating the first part ..... WTH????
11 posted on
09/10/2006 7:11:33 PM PDT by
To: nuclady
That seems weird... where are you?
16 posted on
09/10/2006 7:12:39 PM PDT by
(Pray for our President and for our heroes in Iraq and Afghanistan, and around the world!)
To: nuclady
dhimmis at the control board?
21 posted on
09/10/2006 7:14:36 PM PDT by
(Press to Test, Release to Detonate)
To: nuclady
Must be due to the last minute "edits" the DumDims forced them to make.
81 posted on
09/10/2006 7:33:44 PM PDT by
("Victory at all costs,.......for without victory there is no survival."--Churchill--that's "Winston")
To: nuclady
ABC had to cut out 10 minutes of a "private moment" (or fraction thereof) between Bill and Monica. (Pressure from the demo-commies. Just his "private sex life".) They had to show something, so they gave you a brief "rerun" (couldn't sell the advertising time).
546 posted on
09/10/2006 11:57:05 PM PDT by
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