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To: Alas Babylon!; masadaman; JaneAustin; ATOMIC_PUNK; Timeout; lieutenant columbo; Miss Marple; ...
Top 10 for Sunday 9/10/06


Fine point about Vietnam to keep perspective.


519 -(Unrepentant VN Vet),

"....They are Stuck on Stupid, longing for a repeat of Vietnam."

They are, IMHO, more than just SoS, they're flat suicidal if they keep harping on Viet Nam.

As much as they whine and complain about "SwiftBoating", none of the dims have bothered to notice that: 1) The SBVets, all 250 of 'em, were just the point man; 2) There's at least a couple hundred TIMES that 250 who have very excellent memories, know very well who it was that first bailed out of 'Nam and then had the MSM give them cover by criminalizing the entire military, almost break out in hives every time some dim like kerry opens his pie hole and, BTW vote at every legal opportunity.

Every word the dims utter on the subject of Viet Nam PO's another few of the people who have Been There Done That off a bit more.

The DNC may begin to think that the Swift Boat Vets were a day at the beach when they postmortem the next couple of elections.

Bahbah got on a soapbox and made us wiser.



He [Dean] said we should be concentrating all of our energies -- "full scale" -- on capturing or killing Osama bin Laden; "Then," Dean continued, "we need to fight the terrorists who blew up the World Trade Center."

Here is the fatal flaw in the dems thinking (if thinking is what you can call this). Imagine if we concentrated "all of our energies" on just this one thing...capturing bin Ladin. Think about the monumental stupidity of that statement.

But the really critical fallacy that he, and all of the rest of the dems fall into, is that, in their view, we are only allowed to go after a group that successfully pulls off a huge attack right here in this country. It's hands off all the rest, no matter what we know or suspect they are planning and plotting. It's their equivalent of the "global test".

That's why we hear the constant drumbeat that Iraq was not tied to 9/11 and wasn't even helping al Qaeda (which is false). That point is apropos of nothing. It's irrelevant, unless they actually mean that we cannot react against any group or nation unless and until we take a hit right here, and then only actions against that PARTICULAR group or that PARTICULAR nation will be allowed. The dems would fight a very limited war on terror indeed.

And, while I'm on my soapbox here, I never want to hear that stupid question "Are we safe" ever again. We are not a nation of kindergarten children. I want the President and the government to DEFEND this country, not wrap it in cotton. Go out there and smash the bad guys until they are dead or cry uncle. If there is peril in that, I am more than willing to accept it. God bless our military and the President of the United States of America.

Rodguy enlightened us on the upcoming ABC “Path to 911” and it seems he does not like Mike Wallace.



The new talking point is that all the Clinton parts are fiction. " They will need lots of talking points to counter what Col. Buzz Patterson, who was there when it all went down, has to say.!! It's here: http.// The article refers to Col. Buzz Patterson who says,"I was there with Clinton and Berger and watched the missed opportunities occur". Patterson told WND he recognizes the t.v. production conflates several events, but, "in terms of conveying how the Clinton adm. handled it's opportunities to get ben Laden, its 100% factually correct,"!! Let's see the Clintonista lawyers spin that one. =============


"Impossible to nail an honest man" The video clips at red state show without a doubt how US prestige and believability were severely compromised and how it would be near impossible to cultivate anyone(live assests in the spy world) anywhere in the spy world who would take us seriously after doing the things that were done over and over again by the Clinton adm.They tried their damnest to destroy the country abroad. They severely compromised the nation's ability to fight terrorism at at a time when ben Laden was building a base for al qaeda all over the world. It's entirely possible we could have killed off ben Laden and severely destroyed al qaeda in several years. Many of the atrocities they committed in subsequent years later could have been stopped were it not for the Clintonista regime. Their penchants for COA, Monica,fingers in the wind and other quests severely compromised our country and will do so for years to come. Elections have consequences. I hope everyone sees that at this point. Do we elect those who simply want sheer power for powers sake(McCain,the rats etc.) or those who give an a dam about the country(Condi, Rudy, Allen etc.) the choice is ours. We hold the flag. If we drop it, the results are all too real and all too predictable. Must see link: ======


Just watched Condi spank wallace a good one. She dug her heels in so far he will go home a wounded and bleeding excuse for a man.

I have little doubt now that Wallace is indeed on the dark side. He got the evil eye from Condi when she had to explain (for the 1,000th time) how the world is far better off with Sadaam gone.(Wallace looked like a fourth grader getting a lesson with the teacher inferring "why didn't you do your homework little chrissy) she did it in no uncertain terms and Wallace knew he had bitten off more than he could chew and was up against a superior force.

And when he accused her of taking cheney's place you could see the dagger she saves for special moments entering his heart as he quickly said "we are almost out of time", needing to get medical attention "real quick".

Wallace is now a has been as far as I am concerned.

Morgan in Denver enlightens us about swiftboating and has a take on the ABC “Path to 911” series that about sums it up.


140&554(Morgan in Denver),

Democrats only remember their "victory" in abandoning Vietnam and Cambodia to the communists. The majority of vets know the truth and have not forgotten, no matter how much the left would like to believe their propaganda today.

Kerry and the Democrats abuse the word Swiftboating to their own peril. What they complain about is the truth being told and Democrats cannot stand that happening.



I am prepared for the Path To 9-11 to be like Clinton's grand jury testimony: more bluster than fact.

If ABC reveals the truth about Clinton, Albright or Berger I'll be surprised. Or, they will cover it but downplay their culpability in helping foster the atmosphere that encouraged 9-11 to happen.

It does not matter, really. Rush and others will comment if anything is left out, and eventually the whole uncut program will be available. In the mean time, both sides will be using this program as evidence their side was right.

If it's being shown in Australia now and still going through an edit process here, then there will be different versions anyway.

This program is a win-win as far as I'm concerned. It focuses attention on 9-11, it will show the events that happened during the Clinton years and it will remind voters on what's at stake for the election in November. It has also shown Democrats are willing to trash the First Amendment to stop the exposure as they lie to voters today. The pressing questions for candidates has to include why did Democrats pressure ABC to change the Path To 9-11? What did Democrats feel they had to hide from viewers? As to lies, should we believe ABC or convicted liars Bill Clinton and Sandy Berger? Does anyone really believe Clinton would have taken responsibility for a bombing that killed civilians and missed Bin Laden?

Phsstpok goes on a mini-rant about Wallace’s interview with Howard Dean and then launches into a bit of a rant about the Clinton legacy.


792&899 (Phsstpok),

There were so many questions he could have asked Dean but didn't.

I agree with you, but what are you doing about it?

Make a list and send it to him, including a note that you're cross posting the list here on FR for everyone to see. Then ping all of the "right voices," like Rush, Hugh Hewitt, Michelle Malkin, LGF and PowerLine, etc. If you want, start by posting a request for input and review here. I know that there are a few folks, myself included, who will be willing to contribute. With very little research (much of it already done, if we just find the links) we can put them to shame.

We have to make them so conscious of us that they'll think twice about ignoring the obvious (not partisan) questions. They have a job to do. That job is intended to get our eyeballs on their show for the advertisers. If they're not doing the simplest tasks of their job then we need to let them know that they'll not get away without being challenged.

It's about their competence. For years they haven't had to exhibit any, just tow the party line on what the "conventional wisdom" is. No longer.



Am I mistaken, but I thought that everything that he took-- there was another copy and he didn't know it?

This is the Clinton/Mafia version of events. What we know Sandy Burglar took were drafts of White House / NSA anti-terrorist documents. The various drafts he stole from the US Government (a felony, subject to prosecution for Treason) and subsequently destroyed. There were multiple drafts (minimum 3, maximum 12) of at least this one document, but they were concerned about the hand written notes on these drafts. Those drafts included the hand written notes of people like, Mad Maddy, Sandy, Billy Jeff himself and the rest of the Arkansas mafia on what to say and not say. Sandy Burglar admitted destroying multiple copies of those documents in his plea agreement. Each had notes from the principles that he was protecting.

These people are traitors and need to be treated as such. I approve of the Trotsky (ice pick) method for each of them.

We also don't know what made up documents he may have planted in the archives. These people are not to be believed on anything.


If they say it, by definition, it is a lie.

Rockrr gives a critique of Wallace’s Dean and Condi interview.



Let the games begin indeed!

Greetings all. I just wanted to impart a few thoughts before I head out to visit my folks.

I've done a bunch of reading this weekend, mostly revolving around the Path to 9/11 dust-up, and what my reading reveals is that this is going to be an exponentially more divisive, more vituperative, more UGLY election campaign this fall than we saw in 2004 (and my guess is that, in terms of '08 - WE AIN'T SEEN NOTHIN YET!).

Dhimmicrats are like a bunch of hornets - a swarming bunch of mindless reactionaries, unfocused nastiness just looking for someone to sting. In the late summer they become especially agitated and aggressive and don't feeeeeel a reason to bite anyone. They cannot be placated - they cannot be distracted (mainly because they are the epitome of distraction in action!). If you swat one you better hit it because otherwise he'll torment you until you do finally dispatch it.

Our Dhimmicrat opponents feeeeeel that they have been offended and are out to do some stinging. They can be defeated, but we need to keep our swats focused.

I noticed a few comments about C Wallace and his conduct re the Condi interview and the Dean interview. I just finished both and have to disagree with the assessment that Wallace was dissing Condi or giving "Da Scream" free reign. Condi's interview wasn't a puff-piece, but no serious Republican expects a cakewalk. She is every bit up to the task of responding to anyone's questions, and handled Wallace with ease. I did not see rancor or disrespect in Wallace.

It is my belief that Wallace used the "give a guy enough rope" in his interview with Dean. He pointed out Dean's scatter-brained flip-flop statements and invited Dean to reiterate which one does he support now. I don't expect Wallace or anyone else to beat Dean to a bloody pulp (as inviting a notion that that may be!) on these shows. I believe that the most they hope to accomplish is to induce these pols to reveal a candid statement or put their views on the record.

I would ask all of you - no implore you - don't get thin-skinned now. We are witnessing the consequence of thin-skinned Dhimmicrats re the Path to 9/11. They cannot stand the focus of scrutiny and are reacting like (very dangerous) children. If we overstate the body language or nuance of presentation in these shows, we take our eyes off the ball.

Of course timmy russert is gonna drool over a Dhimmicrat and (try to) drub the Repub - he can't help himself! He is a hopeless partisan. It is unfortunate that he doesn't have the integrity to admit it, but it is what it is and it is our job to exploit it.

Steel yourselves my FRiends - it's gonna get rough!

Carolinamom’s short reminder about the Saddam era is a point to be noted. Sometimes brevity but to the point is the best method.



Aside from the WMD danger, bringing down Hussein was a humanitarian action......he killed his own subjects w/poison gas and inhuman torturing such as chopping off hands, putting them alive into chipping machines. And what about the CHILDREN...babies really...being thrown against walls to their deaths and husbands and children being forced to watch their wife/mothers being raped?

Love Kabar’s summary of Russert’s interview with Cheney



Cheney has given the best defense on Iraq and its integral part of the WOT. Why hasn't the administration done a better job prior to this? All the facts are on our side, yet we fail to marshall them to defeat the nonsense from the Left.

The idea that Iraq is going to be an ally of Iran is also rubbish. They fought an 8 year war killing millions. They have different cultures, languages, and history. Cheney was right on the mark mentioning that if Saddam were still in power and Iran was moving towards the development of nuclear weapons, there is no way Saddam would sit idly by and not respond with his own program.



His health would be an issue and the MSM has so demonized him it would be an uphill struggle. That said, I would love to see him as President. He was at the top of his game today. I especially liked his sense of humor at the end. I just now stopped chuckling. "You are not in season,, Tim." LOL

Another take on the Cheney interview with “Meet the Press’s” Russert by Yayal23.



Cheney looked really good, healthy, sharp, and proves again, Tim is no match for him. Yes, fool, the Taliban has acted up of late, they did it to test the NATO forces recently put in Afghanistan to replace American soldiers. NATO forces have shown them, "bad idea". 137 Taliban killed in the last 24 hours, and over 300 were killed last week.

"He won't back down fool", but Cheney's too much a gentleman to call Russert that. Cheney says, "I disagree Tim", then he explains why.

Time thinks he's got a "gotcha" when he shows the President saying Iraq is central to the fight on terrorism, and then shows a graphic that says 45% people agree, 53% disagree. LOL as VP Cheney said, "I beg to differ". Listen, Pumpkin Head, just because you got a poll graphic, doesn't make it so,and Cheney knows it.

Tim just can't nail Cheney, not even on WMD. So Tim switches to North Korea. "You took your eye off the prize on North Korea", Tim charges. They've doubled their nukes. Cheney won't let Tim get away with that line of thinking, he reminds Tim that our greatest threat is WMDs here, in this country.

On the dated Intelligence Committee document released (again), on Friday, Cheney has to correct the premise of Tim's accusatory question. Tim's line of questioning CLEARLY implies Cheney lied when he was on MTP right after 9-ll. Cheney clears the record on what information he had at the time.

TIM RUSSERT is playing "gotcha" big time, and as far as I can tell, Cheney is having none of it. He won't let Russert get away with misstating the record.

Cheney: "we know Zakawqi had an Al Qaueda training camp in Afghanistan and he moved it to Baghdad. He was there".

Cheney: "Tim, I don't know what part of this you don't understand", when Tim keeps on misstating the record.

(Almost out of desperation it seems,) Tim throws up another poll graphic, as if to say, "Take that, people don't support the war anymore". Cheney wisely puts that into perspective. Russert, you take that!!!!!

No WMD, no Saddam-bin laden connection, thousands dead, thousands wounded, wasn't it a mistake to go to war, Tim asked. Definite hopeful "gotcha" here, Cheney responds, too brilliantly for me to misquote, "It is absolutely the right thing for us to do," is the money quote. "the world is better off", and if we had to do it over again, we would do it again".

final gotcha. liberators or conquerors. GOTCHA Cheney!!!! Shut up Russert and let Cheney answer!!!!! Cheney says, "we did not anticipate the insurgency would last this long"...honest bottom line.

Russert is just trying toooooooo hard. Cheney reminds Tim there has been no attack since 9-ll when Tim says war money could have been better spent on security than on war. He won't give it up...mygawd, people can't carrry toothpaste on airplanes!!!! He's almost having a hissy fit. Cheney is Mr. Cool in responding, explaining "taking the battle to them is better than doing it here".

"What is victory, what is staying the course, what is winning", sissy man Tim asked, like he's genuinely curious. Cheney is not losing patience, explaining the president of Iraq must maintain relations with his neighbors, even Iran.

Tim goes to break, grinning like "an up next, more of my brilliant questions...stay tuned! "

I've had enough! Cheney rocks!!!



LOVE CHENEY!!! never more than when he called the NYT column saying he'd lost power, as "another one of those thumbsuckers". LOL

and when Tim asked about Armitage, asking, do you mean to imply "Armitage needs a pardon?"

You can tell the moment Tim ran out of scripted questions...he forgets to form a question, he's silly sounding, off balance, and Cheney gets to poke fun of him.

Tim has run of questions and has 10 minutes to make a fool of himself with "what ifs".


The information and links Peach provided this Sunday couldn’t be duplicated in two sets of encyclopedias.



The Clinton Justice Department's indictment against OBL in federal court which mentions the terrorist's connections to Iraq.

November 4, 1998. The federal indictment



The 90's:

Saddam's Fingerprints on NY Bombing

June 28, 1993. The Wall Street Journal. Laurie Mylroie

The Clinton Justice Department's indictment against OBL in federal court which mentions the terrorist's connections to Iraq.

November 4, 1998. The federal indictment

Iraq and AQ agree to cooperate. The federal indictment against OBL working in concert with Iraq and Iran is mentioned.

November 1998. The New York Times

Saddam reaching out to OBL

January 1, 1999. Newsweek

ABC news reports on the Osama/Saddam connections

January 14, 1999. ABC News

Osama and Saddam Work Together

January 27, 1999. Laurie Mylroie interview. She is a former Clinton terrorism czar.

A Much Shunned Terrorist Takes Refuge In Iraq (Abu Nidal)

New York Times. January 1999.

Western Nightmare: Saddam and OBL versus the World. Iraq recruited OBL.

February 6, 1999. The Guardian,12469,798270,00.html

Saddam's Link to OBL

February 6, 1999. The Guardian

Saddam offered asylum to bin Laden

February 13, 1999. Associated Press

Son of Saddam coordinates with OBL.

Iraqi Special Ops coordinates with Bin Laden's terrorist activities.

August 6, 1999. Yossef Bodansky, National Press Club

List of newspaper articles written in the 90's which mention the world's concern regarding the growing relationship between OBL and Saddam.

FrontPage Magazine.

The Clinton View of Iraq/AQ Ties.

The Weekly Standard.

Other links between Iraq and OBL here:



I've lent Jayna's book The Third Terrorist to democrats who thought I was nut; after reading the book they not only believe that Iraq had a hand in the OKC bombing but also now support the Iraq war.

After the Gulf War, President Bush permitted approx. 6,000 former Iraqi Republican Guard military men to move to the US in exchange for agreeing to stand down during the war. One of those men helped Tim McVeigh. Irrefutable evidence.

But Clinton preferred to stop the investigation into the third terrorist (whose composite picture I saw on television the day of the bombing) and blame the bombing on Rush Limbaugh and hate radio.



I don't remember about Fitz, but what he read on the floor of the Senate WAS in the Iraq state sponsored newspaper prior to 9/11.

And I just have to ask. How did Saddam's son - who approved everything published in that newspaper - know what was coming on 9/11? To New York? To the Pentagon?

Did OBL gossip? Did they make plans about the anthrax attacks for after the attack?

There is a lot of information that this country can't produce airborne anthrax but Iraq could. There was also a remark in Woodward's first book about the Bush administration called "Bush at War" and I can't remember the phrasing but it sounded like Cheney knew that the anthrax was probably from Iraq but there wasn't anything they could do about it "right now".

Also, the 9/11 hijackers had what was probably cutaneous anthrax but it was misdiagnosed before they went on their suicide mission. Only later, doctors and pharmacists who treated them came forward.

9/11 Hijacker sought treatment for red hands (anthrax).

October 11, 2001. Palm Beach Post.

Tabloid Editor rented apartment to two 9/11 hijackers. The tabloid lost a worker to anthrax.

October 15, 2001. Miami Herald.

Hijackers linked to anthrax.

October 15, 2001. St. Petersburg Times.

9/11 Hijackers treated for anthrax.

March 23, 2002. The New York Times.

Remember Anthrax?

April 20, 2002. The Weekly Standard.

9/24/01. ABC.

Hijacker treated for anthrax.

May 9, 2002. The Wall Street Journal.

Atta tried to buy a cropduster.

June 6, 2002. ABC.

Analysis of anthrax letters.

June 19, 2002. Instapundit.

Freeper My Identity research on anthrax letters. Post #44.


The silica used in the anthrax attacks traced to Iraq.

October 28, 2002. The Washington Post.

Freeper Backhoe's list of links.

February 2, 2003

Freeper Republican Strategist list of links.

February 24, 2003.

Freeper polemikos list of links to investigations regarding anthrax.

December 26, 2003.

Evidence Iraq behind anthrax attacks.

January 1, 2004. Accuracy in Media

Freeper Christie's list of links. Great chart.

September 26, 2004.

Saddam behind anthrax attacks and 9/11 attacks.

Independent website.

9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta stayed at the same motel as the Oklahoma City Bombers.


Cardinal 14 gives us all an update on the 911 commission then gives us a juicy tidbit about Senator Leahy


627&686 (cardinal4),

THIS WEEK (ABC): 9/11 Commission members Thomas Kean, Richard Ben-Veniste, Jamie Gorelick, John Lehman; Sept. 11 widow and activist Gene Steuerle.

I’m sorry I missed this. The display of virulent hatred from at least two of these members must have been palpable. One, Gorelick, must have a heavy conscience. She played a large part in obstructing investigation of terrorism. I dont think it was done with a criminal intent, however. No, I think it was Clintons's way of demonstrating complete power over the judicial branch. Inadvertantly, she set in motion a chain of events that killed 3000 people. If I can see it, she must feel something. Instead, she worms her on to the 911 commission and defends her actions on a Sunday morning talk show. I dont envy her burden, but despise her attempts to distance herself from it.

Im off on Sundays now, and couldnt wait to start participating on this thread again. But tomorrow I have my first Biology exam, a class I failed last year. This semester Im determined not only to pass, but get an A. I will be checking in periodically, but my mind is on nucleotides, selectivley permeable membranes and ATP synthase. It is good to be back and look forward to a full morning next week. Keep up the good work!



Guys! I have a great story, tinged with irony! As some of you know, Im a dispatcher with an airline here in STL. I just got a call from work about an issue with one of our flights out of Dulles yesterday. It seems that one Senator Leaky Leahy, was travelling on us to Burlington, Vermont. Its about about an hour and ten minutes, but there was a problem, the lavatory was broken! The Senator raised holy hell, becuase of this an ended up delaying the flight 90 mins , until we can get an aircraft to IAD with a working lav. Leaky has been on the phone with United, the airport authority and our company decrying the lack of lav service all morning! Now, to the unitiated, this might seem like Im making fun of someone with continance (sp?) problems. Im not! The irony of leaky leahy making a scene in the gate area over the lav, after criminally leaking Iran-Contra stuff to the press is just to delicious not to comment on!



Wonderful Picture by 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub on this day before the 5th anniversary of the 911 attacks. We should always remember them who fight to protect us.




930 posted on 09/11/2006 4:59:08 PM PDT by Fishtalk (
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To: Fishtalk

Thank You

931 posted on 09/11/2006 5:07:51 PM PDT by 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub (Have you said Thank You to a service man or woman today?)
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To: Fishtalk

What a lot of work you've done. Thanks for the kind mention.

932 posted on 09/11/2006 5:07:55 PM PDT by Peach (The Clintons pardoned more terrorists than they captured or killed.)
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To: Fishtalk

Well, shucks........ (blushing madly and digging for water with my boot toe)

933 posted on 09/11/2006 5:52:13 PM PDT by Unrepentant VN Vet (I can't really accept a welcome home until the last MIA does.)
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To: Fishtalk; All

That's a lot of info - thanks.

Anybody have the transcript of the Cheney interview?
(As a new Dad, the "thumbsucking" comment has particular relevance!)

It may have been posted earlier, but I've run out of time to read this whole thread.

Good luck with the exam, Fishtalk!!!

934 posted on 09/11/2006 5:53:51 PM PDT by Paul R. ("Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice Doggie" until you can find a rock" - Will Rogers)
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To: Fishtalk
thank you for the inclusion in the top10.

I agree with your choices this week (of course I do, you included ME! <g>) but I really appreciate your formatting and analysis.  You provide context and summary rationale.  That is what I always look for in this thread.  There is so much that is valuable to choose from, and you have culled a valuable list of posts and posters from this weeks thread.  It is a guidepost for those looking to learn what was really said on the Sunday Shows this week.  The whole thread is worth reading, but you have provided pointers to folks who are cruising by as to what they should notice and bother to read.

well done and again, thank you..
935 posted on 09/11/2006 6:09:10 PM PDT by Phsstpok (Often wrong, but never in doubt)
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To: Fishtalk

Thanks for the mention!

936 posted on 09/11/2006 6:39:39 PM PDT by cardinal4 (America, despite the usual suspects, stands firmly with Israel..)
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To: Fishtalk

Thanks Fishtalk! Wow, you really put the effort into this. Thanks for doing it this past weekend.

937 posted on 09/12/2006 2:47:39 AM PDT by Morgan in Denver
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To: Fishtalk
Excellent job Fishtalk! Lots of hard work there and you made it easy for the drive-by readers to pick up real quick on what is in the thread and as Phsstpok said it is a great thread and truly worth reading.
938 posted on 09/13/2006 4:42:32 AM PDT by rodguy911 (Support The New media, Ticket the Drive-bys, --America-The land of the Free because of the Brave-)
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To: Fishtalk; 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
Wonderful job - here are the awards starting with the special one for 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
940 posted on 09/13/2006 6:58:47 PM PDT by snugs ((An English Cheney Chick - BIG TIME))
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To: Fishtalk; YaYa123; Peach; cardinal4; rodguy911; Alas Babylon!
And now for the awards

941 posted on 09/13/2006 8:54:55 PM PDT by snugs ((An English Cheney Chick - BIG TIME))
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