I suppose Scheur will be a hero to us for knocking Clinton but he is an Arabist of the most disgusting stripe. He blames Israel for most of what goes wrong in the Mid East. This is like gushing over Buchanan when he knocks Clinton.
I'm not gushing over him, but if he's telling the truth I don't care if he prays to idols at this point. I want the truth to come out, period.
Scheuer should be regarded as a hero for challenging the lies that powerful figures such Clinton, Albright and Berger are spreading about Path To 911. Men such as Scheuer and LTC Buzz Patterson should be commended for stepping forward and defending the truth that the Path To 911 presents.
As for Scheuer and his views of Israel, well, he has been critical of Israel, that's true, but that hardly makes him an "Arabist". He has also been very critical of some of our so-called Arab allies. Here is but one example of that:
He [SCHEUER] said to NPR that Mearsheimer and Walt are basically right. Israel, according to Scheuer, has engaged in one of the most successful campaigns to influence public opinion in the United States ever conducted by a foreign government. Scheuer said to NPR that "They [Mearsheimer and Walt] should be credited for the courage they have had to actually present a paper on the subject. I hope they move on and do the Saudi lobby, which is probably more dangerous to the United States than the Israeli lobby.
Great points...he is not one of my favorite people..BUT, he DOES speak up about all of the chances that Bubba missed to get OBL...and he seems to be the ONLY person, not in Bush's Administration that seems willing to do that..
Like a posted a second ago...he is also on the AQ hit list with Bush, Blair, Steve Emerson and Robert Spencer.
I won't gush over this guy, but if he has some facts that can be confirmed, I'll listen to them and draw conclusions. It's not about culling out what you like. It's finding what's out there and then coming to fact based conclusions. Takes some effort.