So are Neo-Nazis.
But I repeat myself.
So are KKK members and their families!
I wonder how many 'fairminded, trusting' Americans would be ok with people who have KKK beliefs next door? How much benefit-of-the doubt would someone who identifies themselves with the KKK get? How many would frequent a store owned by them, or be ok with their children playing with theirs?
We know the answer.
Yet people who openly admit they belong to a cult that considers only Muslims 'human' and that has the world embroiled in violence, should be less reviled based on what?
Their sheer numbers? Fear?
Why isn't it understandable and moral to reject and vilify a massive group that has hatred, prejudice and violence as its core belief just as we(rightfully) reject and vilify those who call themselves white supremacists?
Why can't members of the humongous group be judged by their group affiliation just as members of the smaller group are?
I'd really like to see someone defend social rejection of one and not the other.