> Anybody claiming that an embryo is not viable life is practicing alchemy.
Wow. Redefining words to mean what you want them to mean, rathe rthan what they *actually* mean. Interesting.
> Your dandruff isn't viable but an embryo certainly is.
An embryo in a test tube is viable *only* if some fairly advanced (as in Not Possible Before The 20th Century) medical technology is applied. "Dandruff," or soem other adulty cell, would probably also be viable if sufficiently advanced medical technology was applied. Thus, since both require advanced medtech... both are equally viable, and botha re thus equally deservign of protection.
According to your logic, that is.
See what happens if people don't watch "Starman?" ;)
No Mr Luddite. Embryo's are viable human organisms, dandruff is dandruff. See if you can figure out the difference but stay away from your Alchemy 101 text book.
Embryo's are viable, dandruff is not viable. Pb can not be transmutated to Au by chemical processes. Similarly dead cells can not be reanimated into live cells through natural processes. Entiendes Professor Alchemist??