I can say I've been to Wake; refueled there on the way to Vietnam, 1968.
Went through Wake several times during my tour at Hq Pacific Air Forces at Hickam AFB April 69-August 72. One of my neighbors at Wheeler AFB took his wife to Wake for a two week vacation in 1971--said that they had the beach and the lagoon all to themselves.
Me too, our 747 landed there in 1971. An engine needed repair. We were stuck ther for 8 hours and my swimsuit was in my luggage.
Stop there twice...1960 going to Guam in a old Consellation and on the way back in 1961 going to Hawaii in a DC-7.
i was all of 6-7yrs old
"...refueled there on the way to Vietnam."
Me, too. July 1967.