So ... Iran makes a few nuclear weapons. They then use the porous border between the U.S. and Mexico to bring one of those bombs into the U.S. Perhaps in the well-shielded back of a minivan. They park the minivan in a garage of some ordinary house in an obscure neighborhood in some mid-sized American city. Then they conduct a nuclear test in Iran. Surprise! We have the bomb!
As the world is reacting to the Iranian nuclear test, some deranged Mullah steps up to the microphones to inform the world that there is a bomb just like the one they tested somewhere in the United States. There's another in some Western European country. The world is then informed that both of these bombs will be detonated unless certain Islamic demands are met.
"This is why Conservatives are jumping up and down concerning our wide open borders. 5 years after 9/11 and we are still allowing our borders to be very porous."
That's not the main reason why conservatives want the borders closed. If it were a national security issue something meaningful might have been done.
The threat of bringing in a bomb is probably greater at our ports.
Fortunately for the world, we had leaders in WW2 that understood that Germany and Japan could not be allowed to get the bomb, they didn't wait to see if they would use it wisely, The same situation applies NOW........someone has to make the call...........and it sure as hell won't be (A)Europe (B)UN (C) any Arab nations..........that kind of leaves it up to the US. Now do we have the leadership?
If not civilization will suffer for it.