You build a straw man re Giuliani and then you knock him down.
This is the challenge to you and anyone who believes as you do. Polls say Giuliani can win.
But forget the polls. Make me laugh.
Name a single American politician- who Social Conservatives would readily accept- who has a chance of being elected President in 2008. Ironically it will have to be someone I have never heard of because ALL the mentionables are unelectable.
Maybe we can wait for a Deus Ex Machine political savior to appear in the next few months.
I will get no pleasure out of saying I told you so post election day.
I will. :)
"Name a single American politician- who Social Conservatives would readily accept- who has a chance of being elected President in 2008."
Maybe the Social Conservatives don't have that kind of clout any more. We'll have to see.
Dear Sabramerican,
"You build a straw man re Giuliani and then you knock him down."
Actually, I think the strawman builder is you.
It's you who believe that large numbers of liberals - WHO ARE MOSTLY AGAINST THE WAR AS FOUGHT - are going to vote for Mr. Giuliani - WHO IS FOR THE WAR AS FOUGHT.
"Name a single American politician- who Social Conservatives would readily accept- who has a chance of being elected President in 2008."
It's a bit early, but Mr. Allen is more than electable, even in spite of his current problems. Unless you think that a politician who occasionally makes an untoward remark is less electable than a politician who cross-dresses. LOL.
Although he has so far indicated that he won't be a candidate, Haley Barbour would be a formidable nominee.
I don't know how the process will treat Sen. Brownback or Sen. Frist, or anyone else who is running, but I've learned the hard way not to think that someone who seems a "dwarf" two years out will not be able to win the presidency.
I remember my mother's laughter (and my own - but I was kind of young, just a teenager) when we heard that a peanut farmer from Georgia was running for president. I remember seeing Mr. Clinton give the nomination speech in 1988 for Mr. Dukakis and laughing that he'd never be president, either (who else remembers that 3-hour stemwinder??).
However, this argument - that there is no one else to run - is hardly much of an endorsement of Mr. Giuliani. "Vote Giuliani - he stinks less than all the others!"
Even if that is the case, Mr. Giuliani doesn't meet my minimum standards to receive my vote. I believe that he will not meet the minimum standards of millions of actual conservative voters.
If what you are suggesting here is that a GOP candidate who is liberal on about 90% of the issues is the only "electable" candidate from the conservative side of the political spectrum, then I'll have no problem sitting this one out.
Neither will a lot of other principled conservatives.