I would also like to note that Bush is pretty much out of the woods, though she came within a hair of dying and a bullet is still near the spine, lodged among nerves that control her right leg. Rehab is expected to take months. She's 23 and her doctors say she came within a centimeter of a fatal hit. But Mel's career damage is so much more important...
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"Instead, Im wondering why weve been treated to a seemingly infinite number of media stories about Gibsons arrest and so few about Naveed Afzal Haq. "
This one is easy, Naveed Afzal Haq didn't make an enduring film glorifying our Lord Jesus, and his message.
Can you let the lady know we are praying for her. Since she'g going to be in rehab would she like some cards and letters do you think?
Denial? Living in the past? I dunno.
And some would say because he is a "lone nut", a crazy man who...spouts Islamists rhetoric, he happens to be profoundly qualified as a terrorist.
What he did was terrorism pure and simple. The USA should face this fact before it is too late.
Good Op-Ed. Thanks!
There are murder trials going on this very minute. None make particular news.
Yet the Simpson and Blake trial made very big news. And Britney Spears may or may not be the dumbest mother on earth but she makes news too. As does Russell Crowe phone throws and Michaels Jackson's sleepovers.
Gibson makes continuing news because he is a famous celebrity. And as a celebrity he committed the most damaging act a celebrity can perform- proving his critics right.
Don't blame human nature. Billions of dollars have been made due to the public's hunger for celebrity gossip.
They get the rewards, they must suffer the consequences.
Thank you Mr. Silverback for bringing this to our attention *at least mine*. Still have Chill Bumps.
What the saracen did to the women is not news because it simply illustrates cultural differences. That is what Mohammedans do. It is all part of their religion and culture and to highlight it would be culturally insensitive.
Mr. S, you already know the answer. They hate Mel for his work with the "Passion" movie so he has to PAY!!!!!! Also, the glorification of celebrities makes his faux pas so much worse.
Secondly, again, as you know, Muslims are to be treated special, so Mr. Jihad can shoot up a few Jews - no prob.
Well done, sir! "Im wondering why ..." No need to wonder, you know the whoredom of mass media has an agenda so far left of normal as to be a tipping into insanity with the self-destructive self-imposed blindness they worship as a means to empower their leftist bent.