It seems like I read frequently that some new something-or-other has been discovered which cures/reverses cancer, and then I never hear of it again. This is the second time I've seen an article about this, so maybe there's something to it.
See post #8.
I'm not going to go into tremendous detail but the "Cancer Industry" does not want simple solutions, nor do they seek them. I have first hand experience in dealing with these so called doctors and its why I trust lawyers 1000 times more than doctors.
And no, I've never filed a lawsuit.
TB, before it was cured, "supported" hospitals, sanitariums and careers across the country. It was cured. the careers and hospitals and sanitariums disappeared.
Polio, ditto.
Too much money being made from cancer. I suspicion that until something bigger and worse comes along, it wont be 'cured'
Some of the BBC articles on diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's makes it seem as though cancer and Alzheimer's disease have already been eradicated.
Same here. Wonder if this is the same researcher?
I hope it gets more publicity. Cancer has gone on long enough. Maybe it will knock Hitlery out of the media spotlight.
Remember, it's Bush's fault. (sarc)