FR does not length-limit, to my knowledge -- I've seen pages and pages of material included in individual comments, as well as very lengthy posts, as long as the source doesn't require severe excerpting (in which case that's not FR's doing). So unless you're trying to include the NYC phone book, I think you'll do okay. Granted, there might be tricks to accomplishing those long posts that aren't obvious; I don't think I've stressed the system myself before so I haven't run into a problem and had to solve it.
> ...I'm anticipating that these limited length posts (at least I think that they are limited) are going to be a bear with respect the amount of historical material that I would like to reference.
Thank you. Initial posts are limited and I wrongly presumed this to be the rule for the entire message board. This rattled a skeleton for me because I have participated in limited length message boards and they don't work for me.