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To: brytlea; Scotsman will be Free; hocndoc; bordergal; taxed2death
First of all, in my initial post, I was trying to get ONE point across. Folks are foaming at the mouth to secure our southern borders, while not paying much attention to those illegals coming in from Canada, and those shipped in during the Clinton administration.

Of course there are illegals coming from the South and committing crimes. Our prisons are full, but not just with Hispanic illegals.

That said, my daughter taught in an intercity school which had a very high population of both Hispanic and Somali (Muslim) students. The Hispanic students worked hard, and their parents were employed. The Somali students cursed her, got involved in riots in the hallways, and bragged about how their moms and/or dads didn't have to work, because they got welfare checks every month.

They were dumped here, courtesy of Bill Clinton, to live off our system, and they are darn proud of it. They were allowed a "prayer room" during Ramadan, ironically Christian students did not have that luxury.

I'm not condoning any illegals in our country.

I'm just saying we need to pick our battles.

582 posted on 08/25/2006 5:33:37 PM PDT by LisaMalia (Go Buckeyes!)
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To: LisaMalia
I'm just saying we need to pick our battles.

Confronting an invasion by millions of people from a country that feels justified in retaking what they believe belongs to them is a pretty important battle, IMHO.
584 posted on 08/25/2006 7:48:48 PM PDT by rottndog (WOOF!!!)
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To: LisaMalia

Yes, we need to pick our battles. I agree. And we all know that we, as a nation, are capable of fighting more than one battle at a time. We have to, or we'll cease to exist as a nation. Every border, every port, every air space needs to be protected. The fact is that far more illegals do come across our southern border. That fact cannot be ignored. Ignoring it is akin to suicide, IMHO.

586 posted on 08/25/2006 8:02:15 PM PDT by Chena ("I'm not young enough to know everything." (Oscar Wilde))
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To: LisaMalia

I agree that we have to pick our battles. A main one is the open southern border through which millions, I repeat, millions of illegal aliens have poured through. They are mostly mexicans. They are destroying our culture, medical emergency rooms, social services, jamming the jails, murdering, robbing, raping, and otherwise raising cain with american citizens ad infinitum, ad nauseum.
Yes, the constant importation of all foreigners hostile to our culture must stop immediately, but the southern border is the most crucial. If we can't get a handle on that we are done.

587 posted on 08/25/2006 8:56:09 PM PDT by Scotsman will be Free
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To: LisaMalia
The Hispanic students worked hard, and their parents were employed.

Ruh roh Lisa, you are not part of the "every hispanic is evil" Borg collective.

Prepare to be assimilated.

589 posted on 08/26/2006 4:40:23 AM PDT by Dane ("Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall" Ronald Reagan, 1987)
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To: LisaMalia
Two things about your post. First:

Folks are foaming at the mouth to secure our southern borders, while not paying much attention to those illegals coming in from Canada, and those shipped in during the Clinton administration.

Where do you come up with the idea that we are not paying any attention to the Canadian border? The posts have been about the southern border. Many of us can multi task. Be careful assuming things if you have not actually talked to the people you point fingers at about the topic (and I know you haven't discussed it with me).

Second, I taught at a school that had an ever growing population of probable illegal alien students (I say probable because we cannot know because we cannot ask). They ran the gamut from good students (a few) to wanna be gang bangers. I am SO tired of the stereotype of all illegal aliens and their children as paragons of virtue, hard workers, stellar students etc. It simply is not true. In addition, many of them required special services (not just ESL) and thus cost the taxpayers more, and took more teacher time (and as teacher time is a finite resource, it does take it away from the rest of the students in a class). I'm sorry, but your daughter sounds like she has a bias.

I wonder what battle you actually choose to pick? As for me, I would choose to have our government follow the laws they have already passed.


591 posted on 08/26/2006 5:34:03 AM PDT by brytlea (amnesty--an act of clemency by an authority by which pardon is granted esp. to a group of individual)
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