If the Republicans decide to throw overboard one part of the Republican coalition (social conservatives, in this case), it is unlikely that the Republican candidate will win.
Dear Jake The Goose,
"Be a part of the crew and you remain a part of the ship."
We may not be much interested in the ship if we think it's being steered to Hell, and we are told that we may not alter its course.
The nomination of Mr. Giuliani would represent total defeat for social conservatives. For folks for whom the social issues are the most fundamental, there is little difference between the potential candidacy of Mr. Giuliani and that of most liberal Democrats.
That's throwing the social conservatives overboard.
If you throw out the party's support of our issues, then you throw us out with it. If the presidential nominee is indistinguishable from the Democrat nominee on key social issues, then we social conservatives have already lost the election.
It doesn't really matter at that point for whom we vote, a liberal has already won.
Whether or not you or anyone feels that social conservatives SHOULD toe the line and vote for someone completely repugnant to ourselves and our consciences, I'm not very interested in shoulds and shouldn'ts. I'm dealing in wills and won'ts.
Social conservatives will not vote overwhelmingly for Mr. Giuliani. Even against Mrs. Clinton. I doubt that Mr. Giuliani will even get a simple majority of the social conservative vote in the general election.