I believe in free speach, but some of those signs would earn a person his deportation in a rational society. I am concerned over the total incompetence we exhibit when we allow folks to say some of the things we do.
That expletive deleted promising Britian's 09/11 is on it's way, should forfeit their right to participate in higher level societies.
I just arrived home to STL from a long drive from Atlanta. As I finally approached the city, I was able to get my local talk station. KMOX was having an interview with one Dr Kalid Hakeem, the STL spokesman for CAIR. I couldnt belive what I was hearing. One notable statment-"If Americans would just meet muslims, they would bring joy and happiness into their lives", another-"Americans are ignorant of Islam, if they understood us, our relationship wouldnt be so strained". It was like being on the twilight zone. All the callers, except a looney lib from U-City, werent buying it..
This is a not-so-instant replay of the situation before the capture of Iranian hostages. I was a student at GWU when weekly demonstrations occurred in the path of my classes. Hostile groups of "students" marched with effigies of Carter and the Shah with large placards displaying "Death to the Shah" "Death to the U.S." "Death to Jimmy Carter." No one paid any attention to them. Now we're all suffering, but no one is paying enough attention.