Posted on 08/19/2006 4:22:48 PM PDT by ClaireSolt
Robinson's amusing mariachi ad is now followed by amusing Beverly Hill-Miller. He is asking for money to run it.
Gotta listen to this one, folks, it's a real hoot.
The ad... and the Twilight Zone ads... stink. Horrible political ads. Really bad stuff.
I wouldn't even vote for him w/ that ad. And my conservative thoughts are well-documented on FR, if you think that I'm a troll.
Are you a black voter in his congressional district? If not, so what?
Very creative. I wish I could vote for him.
"Are you a black voter in his congressional district? If not, so what?"
Uh huh... so what.
I'll tell you "So what". I want our political system to work, which means, political discourse that actually engages the brain. This crap ad is awful.
And are you telling me that you're intentionally writing off every black vote? Talk about a complete fulfillment of every lib's stereotype of the GOP!!!
And for the record, I helped vote out RINO Joe Schwarz here in Michigan. You can do a Freep search for my stuff. I'd be the guy you'd want to be on your side, who you'd EXPECT to be on your side.
I'm telling you that you're making a horrible mistake with these ads. I think that the voters will tell you in November as well.
LOL. I think I like this one better than the other. This is good!
To each his own. It's often the funny ads that catch the voters' attention, and this one caught mine. You might remember the folks we're fighting against, and we can't expect it all to be an exercise in high-minded semantics.
You're not trying to convince the straight-ticket Lib Dems to vote for your guy. You're trying to convince the moderate to conservative person to vote for your guy instead of just staying home.
If you don't remember that, you will be reminded in November.
You should take a moment to step off of your High-Horse and go spend about 15 minutes at the entrance to WalMart. Take a good look at the people coming and going. These folks vote counts for just as much as the "intellectuals" vote does.
Lets just leave them to the childish lies spewed by the DNC, HMMM?
They'll figure it out, won't they?
I'm marking my calendar... if I'm wrong in November I'll issue the appropriate apologies to you and the poster.
I'm not usually wrong.
Yeah, there's a few folks who think Vernon is overboard, but that is what is refreshing about him. He calls a spade and spade and makes no apologies for telling the truth in the most upfront and non PC way.
What this ad will do is P.O. the left so that their hardcore base makes sure they vote against Vernon in Nov., which will be overwhelmed by those of us who are salivating at having a non-PC conservative firebrand in the Congress next year!
Actually, Robinson himself proudly said he was the "(Black) Jesse Helms."
"You should take a moment to step off of your High-Horse and go spend about 15 minutes at the entrance to WalMart."
Intersting that you should say that. Last night at 9:30pm my son and I went to a brand new WalMart that opened up on the poorest side of town. Fully 1 in 3 in the store were illegals.
For those complaining about the tone of the ad, but advised that this section of NC has been innundated with illegals in the past 10 years. The people are sick and tired of it and Vernon is banking on those votes to get him elected.
sounds good to me...
I hope you're wrong, but I guess we're on the same side of the fence, irregardless
It's an uphill battle, regardless. The 'Rats gerrymandered the lines in NC, and this district was drawn for one of theirs. It would be nice to see 2 Black Republicans heading to Congress from NC in the form of Mr. Robinson and Dr. Ada Fisher, but it's, sadly, unlikely.
"It's an uphill battle, regardless."
That's what I wondered. One can do lots of interesting, outragous, colorful things if they know that they are fighting a losing fight -- witness the outragous statements by Dems when they don't have a chance in hell of running things!
Maybe we'll have Roblinson as the GOP's version of Kinky Freedman?
Maybe a Jewish politician will describe himself as the "Jewish Arafat"
When you say, "And are you telling me that you're intentionally writing off every black vote? " I think you may not realize that this is a black candidate speakling to his community.
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