What an idiot doctor! And the other doctor sounds more like a lawyer, covering for his colleague. Good grief, a veterinarian wouldn't clean an animal's ear like that!
Animal would bite his hand off.
The thin med line. Hard to find a doctor to say another doctor is wrong, especially in the same clinic.
Oh you are wrong We nasty physicians do it all the time. It is routine so you cal see the ear drum to examine it. You will learn this within 3 days of Pediatric Rotation. Now as for the ear tubes. I have questioned to need of these for years. Send a child to a ENT physician and they will place the tubes every time. I think a small number of children may need them but the large majority do not. I am amazed how ofter parents now take their children to physicians. Some how I grew up in the 1960's and only went to a physician one time. Ear infection got tylenol and hot water bottle. Now I see children with a runny nose for one day or just pulling at the ear and no other symptoms. A total waste money for the parents.