Doesnt make sense they are using hezz for a buffer not to get into to a direct confrontation. Any direct confrontation between Syria or Iran with the US or Israel would mean regime change in Iran and Syria, this is a suicide move if they try it. They havent been looking for an excuse to attack Israel so far, because they know they will lose, why would that change? One or two nukes I dont see it. Not yet.
Western reason and islamofascism are not a good mix. The fact it doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean it doesn't make sense to a guy seeking to bring about the islamic apocolypse.
The Hezzies aren't the buffer. The Lebanese army is. At this point, a Lebanese soldiers death at the hands of the Israeli military will cause a groundswell of support for Lebanon from all over the world with Iran and Syria taking the lead in condemning Israel. Maybe to the point of war?
I am looking at this as a game of chess. Also taking into account that this isn't about nations but about religion and ideology. Iran isn't looking to capture Israel. They are looking to destroy it which means certain things need to be in place.
If it was simply about launching missiles, that would have already been the case. The Iranians are molding public opinion and and getting the UN behind them.
In 5 days, Iran has to say whether it is going to abandon their nuke program. In addition in 5 days is the 12th of imam or whatever that is. There is an Iranian military exercise and other activities going on as have been discussed here.
Something big is about to happen and Israel and the US are in the middle. I think the US military is going to have their hands full in the coming weeks.