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Newsmax ^ | August 14, 2006 | Newsmax

Posted on 08/15/2006 6:18:32 AM PDT by seasoned traditionalist

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I have been waiting for the proper time to post this and the opening by our “Ally,” Saudi Arabia, in which they decry any relationship between fascism, terrorism, Islam and Muslims, is simply, untrue.

Not only are their statements and denials false, but also Saudi Arabia is THE country singularly responsible for the spread of hate and brainwashing in the West in general, and here in the US, specifically.

The following is a VERY long read and is dated. However, I searched with the title and found nothing that was posted herein.

It may have been under a different title, nevertheless, be that as it may, it bears repeating as there has been much in the news of late (including polls which show only 40% of Americans view Islam a danger to our country) and it is imperative that more people be made aware of the dangers of this so called “Religion of Peace” and how it is/will affect us all.

It is in PDF format and I would suggest that all simply save it and read it as time permits.

I have taken the liberty of convert it to Word and the following will give all, an insight into the dangers we face by not exposing as well as openly, confronting those who preach hate and for the destruction of our way of life.


Center for Religious Freedom Freedom House

February 1, 2005

The phenomenon of Saudi hate ideology is worldwide, but its occurrence in the United States has received scant attention.

While substantial analysis has been previously published on Saudi Wahhabism in other countries, few specifics have been reported on the content of Wahhabi indoctrination within the United States

The publications under study each have at least two of the following links to Saudi Arabia. They are: official publications of a government ministry; distributed by the Saudi embassy; comprised of religious pronouncements and commentary by religious authorities appointed to state positions by the Saudi crown; representative of the established Wahhabi ideology of Saudi Arabia; and/or disseminated through a mosque or center supported by the Saudi crown.

While some observers distinguish between funding from the Saudi state and donations made by individual members of the Saudi royal family, it should be noted that King Fahd makes no such distinction. His website asserts, "King Fahd gave his support, either personally or through his Government...." The website also asserts that "the cost of King Fahd's efforts in this field has been astronomical, amounting to many billions of Saudi Riyals," resulting in "some 210 Centers wholly or partly financed by Saudi Arabia, more than 1,500 Mosques and 202 colleges and almost 2,000 schools for educating Muslim children."

The King and his son donated millions of dollars to the King Fahd mosque.

Furthermore, the Saudi government has directly staffed some of these institutions. The King Fahd mosque, the main mosque in Los Angeles, from which several of these publications were gathered, employed an imam, Fahad al Thumairy, who was an accredited diplomat of the Saudi Arabian consulate from 1996 until 2003, when he was barred from reentering the United States because of terrorist connections. The 9/11 Commission Report describes the imam as a "well-known figure at the King Fahd mosque and within the Los Angeles Muslim community," who was reputed to be an "Islamic fundamentalist and a strict adherent to orthodox Wahhabi doctrine" and observed that he "may have played a role in helping the [9/11] hijackers establish themselves on their arrival in Los Angeles."


Until less than thirty years ago, our relations with the Saudis were generally smooth. We were on the same side in the cold war, and the Saudis valued our support (and we theirs) against Soviet influence in the Mideast. Of course the oil embargo of 1973 created major stress, but the watershed year was 1979, when Khomeini came to power in Iran and extremists took over the holiest of Islam's shrines, the Mosque in Mecca, which was under the protection of the Saudi King; it was reclaimed by the Saudis only after substantial loss of both life and face.

A major part of the reason for important changes in the Kingdom was the Saudi royal family's reaction to the tumultuous year of 1979. We are still feeling the after-shocks today. The Saudis chose after the twin shocks of that year to strike a Faustian bargain with the Wahhabi sect and not only to accommodate their views about propriety, pious behavior, and Islamic law, but effectively to turn over education in the Kingdom to them and later to fund the expansion into Pakistan and elsewhere of their extreme, hostile, anti-modern, and anti-infidel form of Islam. The other side of the bargain was that if the Wahhabis would concentrate their attacks on, essentially, the U.S. and Israel, the Saudi elite would get a more-or-less free ride from the Wahhabis and the corruption within the Kingdom would be overlooked.

As a result, this Wahhabi sect, which would have been regarded as recently as fifty years ago as an austere, fringe group by a large majority of Muslims, is now extremely powerful and influential in the Muslim world due to Saudi government support and the oil wealth of the Arabian peninsula. Former Secretary of State George Shultz, not known for either a propensity for overstatement or for hostility to the Saudis, calls this deflection of Wahhabi anger toward us "a grotesque protection racket."

This Faustian bargain has had a huge effect on opinion in the Kingdom. Bernard Lewis points out that throughout most of the history of Islam in most parts of the Muslim world, Muslims have generally been more tolerant than many other religions ­ Jews and Christians, as "People of the Book", were dealt with especially tolerantly.

Today in the Kingdom, however, young people are systematically infused with hostility for "infidels." Moreover, most young Saudis are not equipped when they graduate from school to perform the jobs necessary to operate a modern economy. Instead many are employed, if that is the right word, as, e.g., religious police ­ walking the streets to harass women whose veils may not fully cover their faces, for example. Young Saudis' anger based on their lack of useful work and their indoctrination is palpable. It is not an accident that 15 of the 19 terrorists who attacked us on September 11 were Saudis. The New York Times (January 27, 2002) cited a poll conducted by Saudi Intelligence, and shared with the U.S. government, that over 95% of Saudis between the ages of 25 and 41 have sympathy for Osama bin Laden. Whether this report from the Saudi government of their young adults' views is accurate or distorted, it makes an important point about hostility to us, either by the government, the people, or both.

The Saudi-funded, Wahhabi-operated export of hatred for us reaches around the globe. It is well known that the religious schools of Pakistan that educated a large share of the Taliban and al Qaeda are Wahhabi. But Pakistan is not the sole target. I had in my office recently a moderate Muslim leader from an Asian country. He was in the U.S., seeking to obtain funds from foundations, so that he could have printed elementary school textbooks to compete with the Wahhabi-funded textbooks that are flooding his country and that are being made available to schools at little or no cost. The Wahhabi textbooks in his country, like textbooks in Saudi Arabia, teach that it is the obligation of all Muslims to consider all infidels the enemy.

Americans are not normally comfortable distinguishing between what is acceptable and what is not acceptable within a religion, unless they are, say, debating views within their own church. Because of the First Amendment and American culture, most Americans tend not to make judgments about others' religions. But the Wahhabis and the Islamists whom they work with and support have a long political reach and their views have substantial political effect. Some of the consequences of this"grotesque protection racket" have been quite lethal: American deaths and the failure to apprehend the terrorists who killed them.

One analogue for Wahhabism's political influence today might be the extremely angry form taken by much of German nationalism in the period after WW I. Not all angry and extreme German nationalists (or their sympathizers in the U.S.) in that period were or became Nazis. But just as angry and extreme German nationalism of that period was the soil in which Nazism grew, Wahhabi and Islamist extremism today is the soil in which al Qaeda and its sister terrorist organizations are growing. We need to recognize the problem posed by the international spread of this hate ideology, including within the American homeland.


On December 3, 2004, Ahmed, an Arab exchange student, walks down a palm-lined boulevard in a working class neighborhood of Los Angeles. Since it is Friday, he bypasses the Hispanic restaurants, the 7/11, and the sporting goods store, and enters the King Fahd mosque ­ an elegant building of white marble etched with gold, adorned by a blue minaret, that is named after its benefactor, the King of Saudi Arabia. Later he will join 500 other California Muslims in prayer but, because it is early, he visits the mosque library where he picks up several books on religious guidance, written in Arabic, that are offered free to Muslims like him, newly arrived and uncertain on how to fit into this modern, diverse land.

The tracts he opens are in the voice of a senior religious authority. They tell him that America, his adoptive home, is the "Abode of the Infidel," the Christian and the Jew. He reads:

"Be dissociated from the infidels, hate them for their r eligion, leave them, never rely on them for support, do not admire them, and always oppose them in every way according to Islamic law."

The advice is emphatic: "There is consensus on this matter, that whoever helps unbelievers against Muslims, regardl ess of what type of support he lends to them, he is an unbeliever himself."

As he reads this warning, Ahmed thinks back to the U.S. government's request to the American Muslim community for their voluntary cooperation in the fight against terrorism and he is afraid. He knows that the tracts' author views such officials as "unbelievers," so that, if he helped them, he would be an unbeliever himself, a renegade, an apostate from Islam who should therefore be put to death. He begins to worry too about his cousin, an American citizen who recently enlisted in the U.S. military.

The books give him detailed instructions on how to build a "wall of resentment" between himself and the infidel: Never greet the Christian or Jew first. Never congratula te the infidel on his holiday. Never befriend an infidel unless it is to convert him. Never imitate the infidel. Never work for an infidel. Do not wear a gr aduation gown because this imitates the infidel.

Ahmed looks carefully at the book's cover. It says "Greetings from the Cultural Department" of the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington, D.C. The book is published by the government of Saudi Arabia. The other books are textbooks from the Saudi Education Ministry, and collections of fatwas, religious edicts, issued by the government's religious office, published by other organizations based in Riyadh.

In another book he reads that, if relations between Muslims and non-Muslims were harmonious, there would be "no loyalty and enmity, no more jihad and fighting to raise Allah's work on earth."

Ahmed's experience is repeated, not only in Saudi Arabia and the notorious madrassas of Pakistan, but throughout America: the texts he read have been spread from coast to coast and now fill the libraries and study halls of some of America's main mosques. To be sure, not all the books in such mosques espouse extremism and not all extremist works are Saudi. Saudi Arabia, however, is overwhelmingly the state most responsible for the publications on the ideology of hate in America.

The Center for Religious Freedom has gathered samples of over 200 such texts over the last twelve months -- all from American mosques and all spread, sponsored or otherwise generated by Saudi Arabia. They demonstrate the ongoing indoctrination of Muslims in the United States in the hostility and belligerence of Saudi Arabia's hardline Wahhabi sect of Islam.

All Saudis must be Muslim, and the Saudi government, in collaboration with the country's religious establishment, enforces and imposes Wahhabism as the official state doctrine.

In 2004, the United States State Department designated Saudi Arabia as a "Country of Particular Concern" under the International Religious Freedom Act after finding for many years that "religious freedom did not exist" in the Kingdom.

The Saudi policy of denying religious freedom is explained in one of the tracts in this study: "Freedom of thinking requires permitting the denial of faith and attacking what is sacred, glorifying falsehood and defending the heretics, finding fault in religion and letting loose the ideas and pens to write of disbelief as one likes, and to put ornaments on sin as one likes."

The Wahhabism that the Saudi monarchy enforces, and on which it bases its legitimacy, is shown in these documents as a fanatically bigoted, xenophobic and sometimes violent ideology.

These publications articulate its wrathful dogma, rejecting the coexistence of different religions and explicitly condemning Christians, Jews, all other non-Muslims, as well as non-Wahhabi Muslims.

The various Saudi publications gathered for this study state that it is a religious obligation for Muslims to hate Christians and Jews and warn against imitating, befriending, or helping such "infidels" in any way, or taking part in their festivities and celebrations. They instill contempt for America because the United States is ruled by legislated civil law rather than by totalitarian Wahhabi-style Islamic law.

Some of the publications collected for this study direct Muslims not to take American citizenship as long as the country is ruled by infidels and tells them, while abroad, above all, to work for the creation of an Islamic state.

The Saudi textbooks and documents spread throughout American mosques preach a Nazi-like hatred for Jews, treat the forged Protocols of the Elders of Zion as historical fact, and avow that the Muslim's duty is to eliminate the state of Israel. Regarding women, the Saudi state publications in America instruct that they should be veiled, segregated from men and barred from certain employment and roles.

Much of the commentary in the West on Wahhabi hate ideology is restricted to shallow statements that it is "strict" or "puritanical." The Saudi publications in this study show that there is much more of concern to Americans in this ideology than rigid sexual codes.

They show that it stresses a dualistic worldview in which there exist two antagonistic realms or abodes that can never be reconciled -- Dar al-Is lam and Dar al- Har, or Abode of War (also called Dar al-Kufr, Abode of the Infidel) -- and that when Muslims are in the latter, they must behave as if on a mission behind enemy lines. Either they are there to acquire new knowledge and make money to be later employed in the jihad against the infidels, or they are there to proselytize the infidels until at least some convert to Islam. Any other reason for lingering among the unbelievers in their lands is illegitimate, and unless a Muslim leaves as quickly as possible, he or she is not a true Muslim and so too must be condemned.

One insidious aspect of this propaganda is its aim to replace traditional and moderate interpretations of Islam with Wahhabi extremism.

Wahhabism began only 250 years ago with the movement created by fanatical preacher Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab. Once a fringe sect in a remote part of the Arabian peninsula, Wahhabi extremism has been given global reach through Saudi government sponsorship and money, particularly over the past quarter century as it has competed with Iran in spreading its version of the faith.

With its vast oil wealth and its position as guardian of Islam's two holiest sites, Saudi Arabia now claims to be the leading power within Islam and the protector of the faith, a belief stated in the Saudi Basic Law. Saudi Foreign Policy Adviser Adel al-Jubeir publicly states that "the role of Saudi Arabia in the Muslim world is similar to the role of the Vatican."

Even as the Saudi state asserts that it strives to keep the faith "pure" and free of innovation, it invents a new role for itself as the only legitimate authority on Islam.

The Saudis' totalitarian doctrine of religious hatred ­ now planted in many America mosques -- is inimical to our tolerant culture, and undermines the war on terrorism by providing the intellectual foundation for a new generation of Islamic extremists.

Several of the Saudi embassy titles in this study are expressly aimed at the immigrant and traveler. It should be remembered that the leaders of the 9/11 hijackers were themselves immigrants and became radicalized in the West.

Wahhabi extremism is more than hate speech; it is a totalitarian ideology of hatred that can incite to violence. The fact that this hate ideology is being mainstreamed within our borders through the efforts of a foreign government, namely Saudi Arabia, demands our urgent attention. The press has previously written of the extremist infiltration of the prison and military chaplain programs in the United States.

The Saudi publications described in this report could also pose a serious threat to American security and to the traditional American culture of religious toleration and freedom.

Not only does the government of Saudi Arabia not have a right ­ under the First Amendment or any other legal document ­ to spread hate ideology within U.S. borders, it is committing a human rights violation by doing so. A government that advocates religious intolerance and hatred violates the religious freedom and tolerance provisions of Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Planted as authoritative reading materials in some of America's most prominent mosques (many of which also receive Saudi state support) these state-backed publications, in effect, represent a continuing breach of international law.

We need more rigorously to defend American ideals of equality and freedom against the Saudi government's spread of Islamic extremism.




1 posted on 08/15/2006 6:18:35 AM PDT by seasoned traditionalist
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To: seasoned traditionalist

Two words for the Saudis: F you.

Oh, pardon me, I was being intolerant there. So sorry.

Viva Bush!

2 posted on 08/15/2006 6:20:26 AM PDT by RexBeach ("There is no substitute for victory." - Douglas MacArthur)
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To: seasoned traditionalist


that's really funny, sometimes you just need to say the truth.


3 posted on 08/15/2006 6:26:04 AM PDT by Publius64
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To: RexBeach

oops, I meant that to RexBeach,

Viva Bush indeed! These countries need to get their act together, and fast!


4 posted on 08/15/2006 6:28:22 AM PDT by Publius64
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To: seasoned traditionalist
the history of the pure Islamic civilization,

Which was built on the blood and sweat of poor souls around the world who either had their land,goods and family members stolen, or subjugated people who were forced to pay the jizyat tax extortion money.

Yeah, pure. PURE EVIL!

5 posted on 08/15/2006 6:29:06 AM PDT by HeartlandOfAmerica (Middle East Interactive Map:
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To: RexBeach
"Two words for the Saudis: F you.

My (and I would venture to say) many others' sentiments, exactly.

Unfortunately, politics and PC, play an important part keeping our Guvmint and others from expressing this more forcefully.

Can you spell O I L???

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To: seasoned traditionalist
If it looks like a fascist, walks like a fascist and speaks like a fascist, we should call it a duck?
7 posted on 08/15/2006 6:30:22 AM PDT by Beckwith (The dhimmicrats and liberal media have chosen sides and they've sided with the Jihadists.)
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To: RexBeach

Do the Saudi's own CBS? Just checking. They probably own a chunk. How else do you explain it?

Last night on Letterman (read Bitterman) after his usual diatribe of hate speech/slandering of the President his writers took the extra effort to put the cameras on what was supposed to be the Egypt 11. They were 11 kids dressed very western. Are these Egyptian "students" free and were they actually in the Letterman audience or was that some sort os subliminal to show how western and harmless they were. If it was staged it was very insidious. Anyone see this?

8 posted on 08/15/2006 6:38:02 AM PDT by kinghorse (I calls them like I sees them)
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To: seasoned traditionalist
If our liberal A-Holes here would quit obstructing the drilling for oil in Alaska and off our own coast we wouldn't have to even pay attention to the Saudi crap.
9 posted on 08/15/2006 6:39:14 AM PDT by tobyhill (The War on Terrorism is not for the weak.)
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To: seasoned traditionalist

It took roughly 1000 years for Christianity to become "militant", so to speak, in the form of the much maligned Crusades. These came about because of the theft of the Holy Land from the Byzantine Empire by muslims, since islam was militant straight out of the box. Anyone who thinks this is a "religion of peace" needs a history lesson.

10 posted on 08/15/2006 6:40:41 AM PDT by syncked
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To: seasoned traditionalist

When muslims purge "jihad" from their vocabulary, we might consider purging "facist" from ours.

11 posted on 08/15/2006 6:44:51 AM PDT by monocle
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To: RexBeach

I wasn't going to write this but with everything going on I feel a need to say this. Granted it might not go over to well but, hey.

Barbarism has been in the Arab culture for thousands of years. Whether right or wrong, it is their culture. The Saudis are right in a way. There is a major disconnect in cultures, fueled by Marxism's use of Arab barbarism as a way to further their political agenda.

The West, as a Judeo/Christian culture are more civilized. However, if you look back to 14th and 15th century europe, the Christians were also not exactly immune from barbarism in the name of the Church. Between forced conversions and the Arab worlds view of the crusades as Christian barbarism, the Arab culture is still based on 7th century teachings.

Now you take immigration. Millions of Muslims who still believe in this immigrate to other nations. Instead of acclimating, they still harbor their hatred and keep their beliefs that are based on barbarism within a community. Toss in muzzy leaders who have the cult mentality, preach hatred and can get people listening and you have what you have today.

Then throw in ideologies that promote their own agendas such as the Communists. They use this Arab culture to further erode Democracy. By controlling education and the media, the communists make it out to be the problem of Judeo/Christian values and that we need to be more tolerant of the Muzzy culture, which they refuse to tell us is about barbarism, hatred and revenge.

They ask us to accept Islam as a religion of peace which for the most part it is. Remember., Christianity is a religion of peace although Torquemada and the clergy in europe in the 14th and 15th centuries may have taken it a bit too far.

Civilization is not only about us. There are religions and ideologies throughout this world that oppose what we stand for and unlike us, they are hellbent on destroying us. Problem is we are too naive to think that by singing Kumbaya and accepting this that the killing in the name of hatred of our Judeo/Christian beliefs will stop.

It won't. It never will. All that can happen is we we address it for what it is and do what is necessary to minimize the carnage. Because it is either that or destroy these religions and ideologies to preserve Western civilization, which is something we will not do.

Our President understands this. Tony Blair understands this. Nations that have already been overrun with this culture like France will never understand because they still harbor the belief that the crocodile will eat them last. Problem is the croc already ate them and is in the process of digesting them.

Anyway, sorry if I offended anyone. This was not intended to belittle Christianity or Judaeism. It was only meant to present a different view of what is going on in the world from someone who stays up at night wondering how this will end.

12 posted on 08/15/2006 6:45:35 AM PDT by EQAndyBuzz (Kill all the lawyers? No, kill all the politicans.)
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To: EQAndyBuzz

In May of 1962, the Saudis, Lebanese and Jordanians beatified Adoplh Eichman as a Martyr. So to be more accurate, let's call the Islamic Nazis.

13 posted on 08/15/2006 6:47:55 AM PDT by massgopguy (massgopguy)
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To: seasoned traditionalist

Saw a Discovery Time documentary yesterday on the (mis)treatment of women in Saudi. No matter what they say, they're fascists, all right.

14 posted on 08/15/2006 6:54:26 AM PDT by Moonmad27
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To: seasoned traditionalist

OK, you're all islamonazis.

15 posted on 08/15/2006 6:56:51 AM PDT by RJS1950 (The democrats are the "enemies foreign and domestic" cited in the federal oath)
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To: EQAndyBuzz
Then throw in ideologies that promote their own agendas such as the Communists. They use this Arab culture to further erode Democracy.

Communism need not erode Democracy to bury the West ala Kruschev. They are not mutually exclusive.

I see a trend of the American Socialist Democrats, Kelo Imminent Domain, IRS taxing, ----even Neal Boortz's worn out complaint about childrens school supplies being pooled on the first day of class, "from each according to ability, to each according to need."

Communisim is winning in our society today as capitalism (Walmart, Exxon, Halliburton) is villified.

There is nothing in the Constitution to prevent Communism from being peacefully voted into the USA.

16 posted on 08/15/2006 6:58:42 AM PDT by sam_paine (X .................................)
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To: monocle

When muslims purge "jihad" from their vocabulary, we might consider purging "fascist" from ours."

Wow ! Is that too long for a tagline? It would make a good one.

17 posted on 08/15/2006 7:00:09 AM PDT by freeangel ( (free speech is only good until someone else doesn't like what you say))
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To: EQAndyBuzz
"Our President understands this. Tony Blair understands this. Nations that have already been overrun with this culture like France will never understand because they still harbor the belief that the crocodile will eat them last. Problem is the croc already ate them and is in the process of digesting them.

I was agreeing with most of what you wrote until this.

Unfortunately, you err when you suggest that W and Tony "understands this."

Perhaps they do understand and are simply unwilling to admit the dangers posed by allowing the preaching of hate and discontent within their borders--which include here in the US.

There is no doubt that Judeo Christians in the past have been responsible for committing numerous atrocities in the name of their religions.

However, I dare say, that you won't find any Christian religion today, which advocates the death of their members for not adhering (or converting from) to their tenets, or preaches that their religion is the ONLY religion and all others in the World, must either convert and adhere, or be enslaved or worst, put to death--which is exactly what the Islamofacist decree.

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To: massgopguy

Barbarism only understands barbarism. That's why the muzzies cry foul when we hit them back. That's why Reagan won the cold war.

Where violence begets violence it is incumbent upon us to make the muzzies understand that we will not be led to slaughter. The iranians and syrians didn't expect for Israel to do what they did. It scared them to death.

19 posted on 08/15/2006 7:03:17 AM PDT by EQAndyBuzz (Kill all the lawyers? No, kill all the politicans.)
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To: seasoned traditionalist

Terrorism has no religion and no nationality," said the statement, carried by state media. It made no direct reference to Bush or to the United States.

Do they read these press releases before they issue them? What planet do they live on?

20 posted on 08/15/2006 7:05:37 AM PDT by ThisLittleLightofMine
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