Whenever I wonder about someone like him I always ask, Who benefits from his reporting, and who suffers?
Can the US in any way benefit from this story? Nope.
Can the terrorists be hurt by the reporting of this story? Nope.
the report quotes the former official as saying. "When the smoke clears, they'll say it was a success, and they'll draw reinforcement for their plan to attack Iran."
In my judgment it must be the principal foreign policy objective of the United States that Iran not obtain nuclear weapons. I would prefer that Israel strike rather than the United States but I suspect that Israel does not have the wherewithal to pull it off. Indeed, is not clear that the United States itself can with airstrikes alone wreck Iran's nuclear program. Putting boots on the ground is simply not an option.
Interestingly, Hersh's preemptive strike reveals volumes about the mindset of the left. They simply believe Bush is capable of any atrocity.