Tin foil hat firmly on head...I'm thinking it's a multi-prong plan. Drudge just reported a traffic stop where the perps had 1000 cell phones. Another report has police finding a check for $1 million in a car involved in a fatal traffic accident (NJ I think).
They could blow up a bunch of planes followed by IMDs triggered by cell phone across the US. Likely to be other stuff we haven't thought of yet. The terror campaign might be intended to distract us from responding when Iran makes a move on Israel on or around the 22nd. < /tinfoil >
Well, there is zero doubt in my mind that the "airline plot" was advanced to distract from the events in Lebanon/Syria.
It has sort of worked, but I personally see all locations as coordinated sandmaggot terrorism...
Not working for the State Department guarantees that I have an IQ over 35 and am not bound by any PC BS.