You're the first "Fair Weather Republican" I've encountered on this forum.
Let the Republicans lose to teach them a lesson.
Last time they were 'taught a lesson' we ended up with President Bill Clinton....but we got an "A" on our lesson.
Let's teach the Republican Party another lesson so we can feel all smug and superior....and liberal. You suggest the very thing that and DailyKos are advocating for their party.
You're right, and the class of '94 was one of the most conservative Republican congresses, because of Clinton. I just hope this time, we don't immediately forget the lessons we have learned.
That's exactly what happened.
Many sought to teach Bush I and the Republicans a lesson. Many stayed home. Many got snookered by Ross - I'm all ears - Perot and voted down that rabbit hole. We got Bill Clinton as the payoff. China got their much needed technology, North Korea got their nuclear plants and then bombs, and Iran got much of their nuclear bomb technology from N. Korea. Iran now threatens the whole world.
Oh yeah, let's teach those Republicans a lesson again!
I have seen no evidence to suggest that Republicans learned a damn thing. They flunked. An "F" in conservatism, and another in picking small government candidates.