To: McGavin999; netmilsmom; Howlin; LexBaird; Tax-chick; GraniteStateConservative; Americanwolf
Does anybody know what we should wear? I think that since this will be a first perhaps we should all get together and decide what would be appropriate. I'd hate for anybody to be uncomfortable because they got caught wearing the wrong thing. Well, it won't be Labor Day yet, so anything white is still in bounds.
197 posted on
08/09/2006 9:50:08 AM PDT by
(Talk about "cats and dogs living together!")
To: presidio9; onyx
Well, it won't be Labor Day yet, so anything white is still in bounds.ROFLMAO!
347 posted on
08/09/2006 11:28:24 AM PDT by
(Pres.Bush ought to be ashamed of himself for allowing foreign countries right on our borders!!~~Zook) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson