I used to wonder how the rest of the West could have just sat back and let WWII start. I can see it now. They were, like we are, to scared to admit what was going on. It is easier to be blind to evil, than to admit it exists. For if it exists, it must be dealt with, and by and large few people really want to do that.
And we must sit back, and re-open the Anti Fascist movement cook books now mouldering in libraries across the USA, written by men such as Winston Chuchill, to whom no one would listen in the 1930's as liberals thought they could "negotiate" with fascists.
You are unfortunately 100% corrct. It took Churchill many years to win office, once Chamberlains foolinshness became apparent. And it took several years of convincing Roosevelt by Churchill, of what the fascists of Europe truly meant for Western civilization.
Its the same with the Islamofascists. I take heart from President Bushes frequent use of the term in his press conference yesterday, he is giving America a signal. We must initiate our own home born anti-Islamofascist movement, and as you in all wisdom have said so very accurately, it will take another tragedy on our own free soil, and a wash of American blood to get our citizens to truly see the light.
As for me, I puchased a thousand rounds of military surplus ammo, ready for whan our state governments form citizen militias to inderdict those who have come to our country to kill us, and our children. There is nothing much else we can do but to prepare and be ready, and exchange information and support each other here on Free Republic.
The futire of our own nation and its freedoms depends on organizations like ours here, as we speak.
Thak you for your brief words of wisdom, would that more of us could see so clearly.