Break out the napalm. Bring the troops home and burn a swatch twenty miles wide clear across the bottom of Lebanon. Step in and occupy that zone and declare it Israeli territory. If the war doesn't stop take out another five miles and occupy that.
When all of Lebanon is Israeli territory, and that doesn't solve the problem, start moving east. Chop off Syria ten miles at a time until the Musies get get picture.
If they don't burn the whole friggen nation to the ground.
At some point, the Muslims are going to get knowledge, or those who value their land will pick up arms and butcher those who continually wage war against Israel. One way or the other, hopefully with the least amount of scorched earth, this has got to end.
It's time for Israel to go postal.
How about Israel tells Iran we are going to take out your oil fields and all your oil producing capacity
See how much trouble they cause with no oil to sell
Col. Kilgore, is that you? (Obscure reference to "Apocalypse Now")