My husband watches the OCC all the time, loves that bike too! He was in Jersey City on the river on 9/11, 20 floors up, and saw the second plane come up over the river and slam into the second tower, a real 'seared' in his mind event.
I can't imagine. It's seared in my mind and I only saw it on FoxNews. Please tell your hubby thanks from me!! Every year on Sept 11 (or close to it) my kids and I take big plates of cookies to 2 different firehouses close by (we live about halfway between 2 of them) and one police station. Last year we added the National Guard recruiter and the Air Force recruiter. It's a win-win -- the kids learn how to honor those who serve us, and in return the heroes become more real to them! :-D
My goodness....just seeing the planes hit the towers on tv is hard enough, but to see the actual event, "live" as it were.....we must not/will not ever forget.