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To: Txsleuth

from Drudge:

Jul 28, 9:40 PM EDT

5 Shot, 1 Fatally at Seattle Jewish Center

Associated Press Writer

SEATTLE (AP) -- At least five people were shot, one of them fatally, Friday afternoon at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, and one person was arrested, authorities said.

Five or six people were wounded, assistant police chief Jim Pugel said.

One person died, fire department spokeswoman Helen Fitzpatrick said.

One wounded woman was shot in the abdomen and another woman was hit in the arm, according to news accounts. Information on the others wounded was not immediately available.

A SWAT team searched the federation building, looking for any other victims, anyone hiding or any other possible shooters, police spokesman Rich Pruitt said.

Pruitt said he had no information on a motive. "Hopefully we can figure that out as this goes on," he said.

Police cordoned off several city blocks to investigate.

Several witnesses said they saw a man walk up and shoot a woman in the leg on a sidewalk near the building.

"We heard this horrible screaming on the floor above us and shots," Patti Simon said in a phone interview, her voice shaking. "We didn't know what was happening."

Simon, who sells advertising for the federation's newspaper, was working on the first floor when she heard screaming, shots and what sounded like furniture crashing on the floor above.

Simon called up to her co-workers on the second floor, but got no answer, so she called the police and fled the building.

551 posted on 07/28/2006 6:59:01 PM PDT by RDTF ("We love death. The US loves life. That is the big difference between us two.” Osama Bin laden)
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562 posted on 07/28/2006 7:01:17 PM PDT by JulieRNR21 (Freedom isn't Free.........Support Our Troops......Thank a Veteran Today)
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