To: vimto
Yes I was impressed with Blair also. For some reason he has adopted a bit more statesmanship and maybe he does understand that the Arabs and Jews cannot stay on this killing spree forever.
As a former newspaper photographer I know he cares little for what the press says .
As I am in know doubt you are aware everybody in this situation is attempting to get into the best position for the 'endgame'.
It is interesting to note that some of the more powerful Arab nations are staying right out of it.
If we can achieve some sort of lasting peace ( Just about) in the region
then I think Blair will be more popular than might have been thought.
Despite the Media,in Britian newspapers were used to wrap the 'fish and chips' in the next day and although we all read them their opinions are very transient.Anyway there are about 60 million here in the UK and of those about one million are Muslims so were are not exactly overun there is no desire to allow that.
46 posted on
07/29/2006 2:50:50 AM PDT by
( Suppers Ready)
To: Brit1
"For some reason he has adopted a bit more statesmanship..."
could the reason be UN ambitions?
Don't get me wrong - it's not a bad ambition, especially if could bring to the organization a more balanced global perspective.
47 posted on
07/29/2006 2:56:44 AM PDT by
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