YATES: I think that's a very good question. (snip....) "Andrea, the two medications she was on at the time of the tragedy are both on that list, Rimaron (ph) and Effexor, and in fact they're given in combination together, they have an even stronger effect than separately. So I definitely think the medication played a part, someone asked me once, why June 20, why did it happen on that day? Her medications were adjusted two days before. So I definitely believe that was a factor."
Obviously there are conflicting reports............
I hadn't seen that information before. Thanks for posting it. A change of meds can be a critical time for any person dealing with any illness (think of a change in heart meds, for example). I don't think the meds necessarily contributed although they could have. Those types of meds - even just higher doses take a few days/weeks to achieve the desired effect and for the person to "readjust" to the changes as well. I'll bet she was still in a downward spiral at that point, and the meds didn't have a chance to work. So many questions and possibilities as for why her illness progressed and manifested as it did. Most of those questions will probably never be answered definitively, IMHO.