I dare, because I am called by His Name -- i.e, "Christian". Therefore I am under a Moral Obligation to attempt to read His Word as closely as I can, and advocate policies based thereupon.
Do you think Jesus would prefer to leave people oppressed under one of the most murderous tyrannts in world history,
I know for a fact that Jesus Himself could call twelve legions of angels right now, and destroy all the world's tyrannies in one fell swoop -- if He so commanded.
I also know for a fact that Jesus Himself was oppressed (and murdered, in fact), by THE "most murderous tyrannts in world history", the incomparably-vicious Roman Empire -- whose expertly-trained Crucifixioners make Saddam's most malefic torturers look like pissed-off valley girls having a bad hair day.
My question is this: GIVEN THAT the Christians of Iraq had managed to survive the oppression of their Islamic overlords and keep their Faith for a thousand and more years, UNTIL NOW -- are we American Christians willing to admit that the US occupation of their country has made their situation FAR WORSE?
I mean, they say so, and they're the ones being raped and kidnapped and murdered, so maybe they have some better sense of the situation "on the ground" than do jingoistic American War-Idolaters... so are we willing to ADMIT FACTS, or not?
To me, Christianity is about historical Facts -- like the historical Fact that Jesus rose from the dead. It's not a matter of wishy-washy Easter Bunny "Faith", it's about FACTS. And the Fact is, Christianity in Iraq is being Destroyed, directly as the result of the US Occupation (nothing ELSE in the last 1,400 years has damaged Iraqi Christendom so badly, so WHAT CAUSED THE CURRENT EFFECT? A sudden inexplicable hemmorhoid epidemic??)
Kick in a snake's nest, and guess what -- you'll get snakes!!
Present difficulties notwithstanding, Iraq will one day be free and peaceful and Christianity will again flourish.
No, it WON'T.
HERE is the reality of the situation:
Some 3,149 people were killed in June alone, or more than 100 a day, and the figure is likely to rise higher this month because of tit-for-tat massacres by Sunni and Shia Muslims. Some 120 Shias were killed in two attacks earlier in the week and gunmen yesterday kidnapped 20 employees of a government agency in Baghdad looking after Sunni mosques and shrines. That figure would be the equivalent of 161,500 in the United States. Can you imagine the state of mind of Americans if Protestants and Roman Catholics were killing each other in these numbers? We would call it a return of the Thirty Years War (161848), in which half the population of Germany died in religious war. That was the most devastating war on civilians in European history. ~~ Gary North, "Tossing Greenbacks Into the Tar Pit"
I am beginning to think that the die-hard supporters of the War in Iraq are deluded -- actually, psychologically, DELUDED -- beyond the scope of rational discussion.
When are you people -- by which I mean the whole gamut of World-Policing, Nation-Building, Messiah-State Neo-Conservatives -- finally going to understand the basic wisdom of Scripture, and come to terms with the fact that Islam is a SATANIC Religion!? It is a False Religion, it is a Christ-Denying Religion, it is a Bible-Perverting Religion... Islam is nothing but a particular Denominational form of SATANISM, alright?!
You CANNOT build a functioning, Western-style Democracy upon a foundation of SATANISM, fer' crying out loud!! When a People are enslaved to Satanism, and you give them "Democracy", they WILL vote Hamas and Hezbollah into Power.
Happy Ashura, everyone!!
Provide the Muslims with "Democracy", and you will get MORE of the above, not less. The Blood-Cultists are NOT the "extreme", "radical" fringe of Islam; they are, in fact, the devout, faithful, normative tradition of Islam.
Your post is offensive and very un Christ like, give it up. You aren't winning any souls for Jesus, but then that wasn't really your purpose in all of this, was it?
Apparently God has decided to leave a billion people in darkness and damnation. All the more glory when he redeems them I suppose.
Though no one has claimed Islam to be positive OR a basis for democracy.
Or maybe Christianity isn't wanted there, Y'think? It's a Muslim country, they look at christianity the same way you look at Islam, that it's a false religion. We don't want Muslims around they don't want Christians around. Pretty simple solution.
Your heavy use of bolding and shouting reeks of self-importance.
We tried islolationism in the 30's.. Guess what it failed..