I guess my concern is because a relative of mine died for exactly the same reason. She was told by her doctors, though, that since she lived in a college town, she could probably help herself by having her kid get some pot on campus. Needless to say, she wouldn't allow that. She refused further treatment, went nto a hospice where she could, at least get pain meds and died.
Forever changed my view toward drug laws.
Needless to say, she wouldn't allow that.
So sad. A good person who was misled about what would actually benefit her was supposedly "evil" and dangerous. A victim of propaganda.
Forever changed my view toward drug laws.
That's the thing. I am as anti-recreational drug as anyone, but medical marijuana is something that should be legal. It's being used for medical reasons. It's not just some pothead taking a hit for fun.
It's like when Rush had his drug problems. I don't blame anyone going through that much pain.