How about that stupid Dem resolution that a "special envoy" be sent to the Mideast? Is that a slap in the face of Condi Rice? I really think the guy they want to nominate for the special envoy would be none other than Bill Clinton or some flunky of his.
Also, the other night I watched CNN and they had a woman on there. She's explaining how Hezbollah picks up the trash. Then her little girl came on, cute thing, and she said Hezbollah fixes the desks at her school.
Meanwhile I am screaming, not that I'm proud of this, from across the room...."GET A DAMN GOVERNMENT"!
I mean these people, I type this softly, simply don't have a clue. All across the planet we have governments who pick up trash and fix school desks. ELECTED governments. I am so sorry to be politically incorrect here, but I'm thinking we've got some genetically inferior human beings here.
Come on, we should have GANGS taking over as governments?
Like Tookie's CRYPTS, they should go in to New Jersey, start picking up trash and sponsor softball tournaments? And if the Crypts get a hair up their butt they just lob missilies at whoever offends them?
These Muslims really need to get a clue and I am, an American and sick of their stupid antics, really tired of all the rhetoric that somehow tries to justify this logic. CNN really, really tried but it just isn't resonating.
We're not STUPID out here in la-la land.
The "talking point" about the fascists in Germany and Italy in the late 30s was "the trains ran on time." This is the same kind of stuff.
YOu are the best fish!