as info, MTP is streamed on MSNBC after 1 PM I think it is. I don't know how well the internet works in GB for that type viewing but mine works quite well over here.
I usually take a 2nd look, at my leisure, on the net to see what I may have missed. I wish FNC did the same with the FNS show. I'm sure it is being discussed.
Both MTP and FNS come on at the same time where I live and I am constantly flipping channels.
FNS doesn't stream the video, but they have started "podcasting" the audio. It is a pain, however, that they don't simply post an MP3 file, the way CBS does. You have to download one of two podcast applications to get the files. And it's not on itunes, at least not the last time I checked, so you can't use that aggregator.
They need to consult with us before they try these things so that we can tell them how to do it right! ;^>