"Israel hasn't used chemical weapons. IF this doctor had REAL EVIDENCE from medical testing on the bodies(and it wouldn't be hard to do), he would have NAMED the agent used. This is pure horse pucky propaganda. No doctor just makes an observational statement without backing it up scientifically. This doc is bogus. "
"I think those who say Iran, Syria and Hezbollah are getting ready to use chemical weapons on Israel are right. Terrorists are lying and setting the stage to either use chemicals or dirty nukes on Israel."
My thoughts too. Islamists started all the wars against Israel to wipe it off the map and when Israel fights back, they (and their useful Idiots around the world like this Doctor) accuse Israel of all the crimes. United States also was accused of using Depleted Uranium shells in the First Gulf War against Saddam. I don't know if there was any truth to that and was there are any substantial evidence or scientific testing to substantiatethose claims, but the fact is that Saddam used chemical weapons to suppress Iraqi Kurds rebellion.
I don't have any reason to believe this Doctor. Islamists start their wars against Israel and they and those who give them the base of operation (like Lebanese govm't) shouldn't complain when Israel hits back hard at them. Don't give shelter to terrorists and you won't be attacked.
"Don't give shelter to terrorists and you won't be attacked."
Exactly. Great point. The lebanese govt, Syria and Iran are not demanding Hezbolla stop. The Lebanese pres says he has no control over them. He should be thanking Israel for taking care of his "Hezbollah problem". And it's been a tremendous effort on Israel's part to save civilians, otherwise this operation would be over by now. Trying to minimize collateral damage always lenghtens a war.